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Request for editor

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I'm not sure if this is the right area of the forum to make a feature request so please forgive me.


I would love to see when you click on editor an option to open a mission instead of only being able to choose a Terrain you want to work from. So right now I am working on a mission - but I have to do a few extra clicks, choose a map, then go up and open the mission from their.


I think a lot of mission makers would love to be able to go from the main menu to selecting an existing mission they've been working with out the extra steps.


Just my two cents.



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You already can launch straight into the editor for a desired mission through the launcher, see https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Startup_Parameters#Developer_Options


EDIT: although I can't get it to work in the current 1.62 RC :(


EDIT EDIT: You can launch straight into the editor with a desired mission loaded through the launcher, use "Mission File (Editor)" field in "Basic" tab of "Parameters"

Edited by ceeeb

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