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Local hosting problem

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When I try to do a "quick" host from my own machine to test a mission revision with another friend I get this error message:


Include file a3\functions_f\Params\paramDaytimeHour.hpp not found


And it just crashes the game.


I have checked game files, of course. I have not reinstalled the game. Not sure what this is about and searches haven't come up with anything. Its been going on since before 1.6


Any ideas?  Thanks!!



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Well I deleted my the game and reinstalled to see if that would fix the problem...  nope. Same error when trying to host.

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try verifying game cache

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Well, I'm perplexed. I verified the game cache again, no glory. 


Then I tried the unthinkable: I launched the game without any addons!!   Still same error.  :(


Throws the same error if I try to host it as "LAN" also.


I guess I'll add that after the first error message that it throws (the one above) it follows with this:

arma3.exe  -  Application Error

The exception unknown software software exception (0x0000dead) occurred in the application at location 0x0000000075C1DAE8.

As far as I know, everything else with the game works fine. I can join my server without any problems. Just can't seem to host directly from my machine. Is there any chance this could be a porting issue?

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its stating you cannot find a file called "paramDaytimeHour.hpp"

Which will be in one of the BIS addons


That has nothing to do with ports

Clear out your ArmA3 / MpMissions folder completely and try that to rule out a mission issue which may be calling for that file.

Missions in the MpMissions folder are the ones normally used whilst hosting a server.

if that solves the issue then you will need to de-pbo all your missions in there and scan for a call to that script, alternatively, you can add a few back into the Mpmissions folder at a time, restart the local player-server combo until you find the culprit

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Ok I will do that this evening. That makes sense. I didn't realuze that it would be reading through the missions folder when it created the instance. I'll get back to you with results.

Thank you,


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Clear out your ArmA3 / MpMissions folder completely and try that to rule out a mission issue which may be calling for that file.

Missions in the MpMissions folder are the ones normally used whilst hosting a server.

if that solves the issue then you will need to de-pbo all your missions in there and scan for a call to that script, alternatively, you can add a few back into the Mpmissions folder at a time, restart the local player-server combo until you find the culprit





You the man! Thank you. I removed all my mission files, and voila! So the hard part is over, now all I have to do is figure out the culprit. Easy Peasy


Thank you very much,


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Just some more info.


AFAIK, when the first player connects, the server reads through the description.ext file of all missions in the MpMissions folder

If you had a server running then rebooted and then it doesn't, typically this is most likely caused by any missions that have been uploaded since the last server restart.

So there is your starting point.


The call for the .hpp file will also be found in either the description.ext or any file linked to it using the #include command



It is also important to note, that while trying to pinpoint the actual mission that is causing the issue, DO NOT move the contents of your MpMissions folder into a sub folder to back them up, move them to an entirely different folder. The reason for this is that it would appear (Although I haven't tested) that any missions in any MpMissions subfolders will also be read, so this may confuse your debugging logic

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Excellent, and yes when I moved the files I put them in a folder on my desktop which I named "mission_mp_backup".

Thank you for all the help,


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