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I'm currently on DEV branch and not sure if this is a bug or not on DEV branch.


I am trying both IF Then and Switch:Case codes but both are not working as i hope.


Basically seems to be ignoring the CONDITIONS and executing the scripts twice that it should be calling when the CONDITION is met.  Any ideas?

Currently value = "intelPoints = 0;"

_RandomIntel = execvm "SPAWN\IntelHint.sqf";
_HVTIntel = execvm "SPAWN\BOMBERHINT.sqf";
_INTELTYPE = [_RandomIntel,_HVTIntel] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; 

_Case1 = false;
_Case2 = false;
_Case3 = false;
_Case4 = false;
_Case5 = false;

If (intelPoints == 60) then {_Case1 = true};
If (intelPoints == 100) then {_Case2 = true};
If (intelPoints == 150) then {_Case3 = true};
If (intelPoints == 200) then {_Case4 = true};
If (intelPoints == 300) then {_Case5 = true};

switch (true) do {
case (_Case1): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"]; };
case (_Case2): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"]; };
case (_Case3): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; 
case (_Case4): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; 
case (_Case5): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; 
default {}; 

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FYI:  I tried putting the IF conditions directly in the CASE condition field as well with same results.  It should work that way too, correct?

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The switch is not closed.  ie switch (true) do {....}; Why not just test the intelPoints  in the case? 

switch (true) do {
case (intelPoints == 60): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];};
case (intelPoints == 100): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];};
case (intelPoints == 150): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; 
case (intelPoints == 200): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; 
case (intelPoints == 300): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; 
default {}; 

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Stupid me!! :936:


Yes that is what i initially wanted.  But I never used Switch:CASE before so i thought i may be doing something wrong.  I will try that again.  Thanks man

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Ok new bug?  Sorry.  So originally i did have the CASe correctly with the closed bracket, but now finding out taht the private value i am creating is actually running the code instead of being called?  Or am i miss understanding this?


So for example, i have the following setup:

_RandomIntel = execvm "SPAWN\IntelHint.sqf";
_HVTIntel = execvm "SPAWN\BOMBERHINT.sqf";
_INTELTYPE = [_RandomIntel,_HVTIntel] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; 

If (true) then {_INTELTYPE};  //Only execute_INTELTYPE now

Basically it is calling the scripts 3 times before the Condition is even looked at.  If it doesnt work this way, how can i get it two choose between to random scripts?

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This doesn't change anything, but another way of writing it as well:

switch (intelPoints) do {
case (60): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];};
case (100): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];};
case (150): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; 
case (200): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; 
case (300): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; 
default {}; 

When you execVM something, it returns a handle, what you need to do is:

_RandomIntel = {execVM "SPAWN\IntelHint.sqf"};
_HVTIntel= {execVM "SPAWN\BOMBERHINT.sqf"};
_INTELTYPE = selectRandom [_RandomIntel,_HVTIntel];
//in your switch cases:



_intelScripts = ["SPAWN\IntelHint.sqf","SPAWN\BOMBERHINT.sqf"];
_INTELTYPE = selectRandom _intelScripts;

//in your switch cases:

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Repeated code makes pandas cry.


Maybe this?

_randomIntel = {execVM "SPAWN\IntelHint.sqf"};
_hvtIntel = {execVM "SPAWN\BOMBERHINT.sqf"};
_intelType = selectRandom [_randomIntel, _hvtIntel];
_pointRange = [60, 100, 150, 200, 300];

if (intelPoints in _pointRange ) then {
	call _intelType;
	cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!", "PLAIN"];

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Thanks brother.  You wouldnt believe what i was just trying to do...LOL



_RandomIntel = execvm "SPAWN\IntelHint.sqf";};

_HVTIntel = execvm "SPAWN\BOMBERHINT.sqf";};

//_INTELTYPE = [_RandomIntel,_HVTIntel] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; 

_luck = (random 100);
If (_luck <= 50) then {call RANDOMINTEL} ELSE {call HVTINTEL};

switch (true) do {
case (intelPoints == 60): {call CALLNOW; cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!","PLAIN"];};

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Repeated code makes pandas cry.


Maybe this?

_randomIntel = {execVM "SPAWN\IntelHint.sqf"};
_hvtIntel = {execVM "SPAWN\BOMBERHINT.sqf"};
_intelType = selectRandom [_randomIntel, _hvtIntel];
_pointRange = [60, 100, 150, 200, 300];

if (intelPoints in _pointRange ) then {
	call _intelType;
	cutText["...You found a piece of intel.  Check your Map!", "PLAIN"];


I wasted my all my "likes" for today already on the Tanoa thread, so thanks guys for the tips/help.

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I wasted my all my "likes" for today already on the Tanoa thread


Haha, same here!  So many amazing screenshots.

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