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Configuring static CfgORBAT background?

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running into a bit of an issue with CfgORBAT here. I'm trying to configure a static CfgORBAT background which would permanently show a logo regardless of which unit is selected.

Like this: https://community.bistudio.com/wikidata/images/5/57/A3_ORBATViewer.jpg(You can clearly see the TF Aegis logo in the back)


Now, if I've got this right, the unit insignia is the one that is supposed to show in the background of the CfgORBAT view when it is opened. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work for me as the background just remains white regardless of unit insignia (or texture). 


Not exactly sure if there's other ways to open ORBAT (besides fnc_openORBAT or something similar I suppose) but I'm dealing with the ORBAT view exclusively through placed ORBAT groups on the map. Not sure if this changes anything but I figured it's safe to mention. 


Also, any ideas on how to go about adding in a custom texture? The path needs to be absolute, but the pbo is going to get shuffled around a lot. The easy part is figuring out how to get to mission root, but the hard part is to implement it in description.ext (since MISSION_ROOT + file_path don't work).


RIGHT, so after about 3hrs of wrestling with __EVAL and __EXEC I finally found the magic one liner to get mission root and add on the image path. 

__EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15])+"img\kdoh_ca")

Who knew that __FILE__ actually returnd a string? I sure as hell didn't for the past 2 hours. 


GOT IT! So the insignia is actually the one defining the background. I'm not quite sure if the relative path was the issue (insignia did show up under the unit, so I guess not) or rather that colorInsignia[] was set to {0,0,0,1} instead of {1,1,1,1}. Either way I used absolute path plus colorInsignia set to white and that fixed it. ORBAT also sticks to the last loaded insignia, so it won't turn blank if you enter the ORBAT view through another unit.

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