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Deploy/TP to squad member

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Ok so looked around found a script, but popping errors (http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=32699 about half way down from user  654wak654) but its basically the premise of being able to die respawn at base then gear back up and jump back in the fight by teleporting to to squad members position.  Had hoped this would work as it seemed to fit the bill, being able to select which squad member as well as matching members position.  Its a small 6man misison(s) so we don't have pilots and such to fly us to and from battle once we get on our way.  Any help would be appreciated.


Note the error that popped was undefined variable in: bfd_fnc_showdialog


EDIT Disregard script works i overlooked the fact I had to create init.sqf for the mission itself as well and include a small line of code.  so if a mod wants to close/delete this threat by all means.

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