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Server randomly kicking people when VerifySignatures = 2

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I'm running a public server with Battleye enabled at Whenever a player joins, regardless of their loaded mods, it's only a matter of time before they're kicked without warning. 
Players are allowed to join the server and play for a while, but they eventually get kicked. I have another (locked) server with nearly identical settings - save for BE and Verify Signatures - and this issue never happens.

Is there anyway to resolve this issue without just turning off Battleye and trying to find some other way to protect ourselves against cheaters?

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Contrary to what launcher lets imagine, there is no server available if B.E. is disabled.

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My mistake. I've disabled Signature checks on the other server, and players do not get kicked. The servers are identical save for this check. However, the first sever is using port 2302, and it is entirely stable. Is this the culprit?

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