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All playable spots spawn player as a seagull

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I've just imported my mission from one map to another and essentially did this by copy pasting all the map objects and icons onto the other maps. Initially I was having an issue with there being no roles, meaning that the units weren't set to playable which I fixed. Now when I join the map there is no slot that doesn't spawn a seagull. I'm assuming this has something to do with my mission.sqm however I've been at it for about 5 hours now and can't seem to figure it out. I can provide any information you require, these two lines may be useful:


Client RPT:

 2:43:23 Attempt to override final function - bis_fnc_preload_server
 2:43:26   creating seagull (no person)

Server RPT:

No speaker given for Militiadis Savalas
Creation of object C Alpha 4-2 failed, state MISSION ASKED
Creation of object C Alpha 4-2:1 failed, state MISSION ASKED
Creation of object C Alpha 4-2:1 (civ_1) failed, state MISSION ASKED
Ref to nonnetwork object civ_1
Ref to nonnetwork object C Alpha 4-2:1 (civ_1)

Bunch of other output that isnt helpful

Creation of object Statistics for MYPLAYERNAME failed, state MISSION ASKED


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ever find a solution, having something similar with my own mission?


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