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Log position to clipboard

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Hi there !


I was just wondering : when using the wonderful "log position to clipboard" function in 3den Editor (by right clicking an object), is there a way to get a more accurate position ? Like 3 numbers after the comma ?


For now it seems it only copy one number after comma, rouding up or down the position, for example, I place a wall, the position in the attributes are :


X = 25343.924 ; Y = 23150.49 ; Z = 0.012


And after logging the position in the clipboard, and pasting it in a text editor, it gives me : [25343.9  ,23150.5 , 0.0122185] .


The Z axis is very very accurate, almost a bit too accurate.

The two other aren't.


Does anyone here know how to get more accurate value ? Maybe a short code to include in the debug console ?


Thanks in advance !


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I would be surprised nobody here haven't even a clue to solve this problem ! I've seen so many tricky problems find their resolution in this forum ! :)

Or maybe this topic should go to the troubleshooting section ?


Thanks in advance !

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Thanks a lot for your answer Greenfist !


The KK's blog post is indeed very interesting. I can't say I understood it all, first of all because english is not my mother tongue and because I'm a newbie at scripting. But I got the essential.


Now I don't know what to do with these pieces of scripting, can I use it as a function in Eden Editor ? If yes, I don't have any clue how to do that...


I'm sorry, I thought it might be easier to achieve that.


But thanks anyway Greenfist, it's a good start !

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If you just simply want to copy the position to clipboard, you could select one object in editor and paste & execute this adaptation of KK's script in the console:

copyToClipboard ((getpos (get3DENSelected "" select 0 select 0)) call {
    private "_fnc";
    _fnc = {
        if (_this < 0) then { str ceil _this + (str (_this - ceil _this) select [2])
        } else { str floor _this + (str (_this - floor _this) select [1])
    format ["[%1,%2,%3]",_this select 0 call _fnc, _this select 1 call _fnc, _this select 2 call _fnc]

But the question is, what do you need this for? There might be a simpler way to handle whatever you're trying to achieve.


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Thanks Greenfist it works like a charm !


I needed it to copy a whole composition (an armurery template) I made with Eden to a .sqf file, in order to light my missions and gain some FPS when starting it. The thing is I placed some objects which require more accuracy in their position than rounded position you got when you hit the "log position to clipboard" in Eden.


I also started to use the great LX OPS which can also copy objects placed in Eden faster and with a lot of precision (and it also manage pitchbank).


Lx OPS gives you a code like this :


_pos = [14567.373047,16763.480469,0.860943];
_object = createVehicle ["Intel_File2_F", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_object setDir 224.927;
_object setPosATL _pos;
[_object, 67.1907, 0.0353917] call BIS_fnc_setPitchBank;
_object enableSimulation false;


And I copy this code in my .sqf file which is called at the beginning of my mission in the init.sqf .


But if you know a way to copy multiple object with their exact position and which manage pitchbank, avoiding me to copy object by object, I'm all ears, it would spare me a loooot of time !


Anyway, thank you for your handful contribution, it's really nice of you !

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