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Player HUD Scripting - a little help needed

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This is what I have so far.  http://pastebin.com/HEYcH7tq  It does everything I need it to do, like display the icons when they player stats change.  It aligns them to one side, and if there is more that three, it waits for the three to disappear before it displays the next three.  The problem is every time it needs to display an I icon, 2 of the same appear right after each other.  So when 2 need to show up, it actually displays 3, then when they clear it displays the remaining one when the first 3 are gone.  Let me know if more information is needed, and thank you in advance.

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I cant open those links at work because its forbidden here.

Post the script please.

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cloud8_HUD =


waitUntil {!isNull player};

if (!local Player) exitWith {};

private ["_pDamage", "_status"];

while {true} do {

sleep 0.1;

_pDamage = damage player;

_status = "";

switch (true) do {

case (_pDamage <= 0.2): {_status = "icons\c8HUD\damage_g.paa";[_status, false] spawn cloud8_Player_HUD;waitUntil {damage player > 0.2};};

case (_pDamage > 0.2 && _pDamage <= 0.4): {_status = "icons\c8HUD\damage_y.paa";[_status, false] spawn cloud8_Player_HUD;waitUntil {damage player <= 0.2 || damage player > 0.4};};

case (_pDamage > 0.4): {_status = "icons\c8HUD\damage_r.paa";[_status, false] spawn cloud8_Player_HUD;waitUntil {damage player <= 0.4};};




cloud8_HUD1 =


waitUntil {!isNull player};

if (!local Player) exitWith {};

private ["_pHunger", "_status"];

while {true} do {

sleep 0.1;

_pHunger = life_hunger;

_status = "";

switch (true) do {

case (_pHunger >= 80): {_status = "icons\c8HUD\hunger_g.paa";[_status, false] spawn cloud8_Player_HUD;waitUntil {life_hunger < 80};};

case (_pHunger >= 20 && _pHunger < 80): {_status = "icons\c8HUD\hunger_y.paa";[_status, false] spawn cloud8_Player_HUD;waitUntil {life_hunger < 20 || life_hunger >= 80};};

case (_pHunger < 20): {_status = "icons\c8HUD\hunger_r.paa";[_status, false] spawn cloud8_Player_HUD;waitUntil {life_hunger >= 20};};




cloud8_HUD2 =


waitUntil {!isNull player};

if (!local Player) exitWith {};

private ["_pThirst", "_status"];

while {true} do {

sleep 0.1;

_pThirst = life_thirst;

_status = "";

switch (true) do {

case (_pThirst >= 80): {_status = "icons\c8HUD\thirst_g.paa";[_status, false] spawn cloud8_Player_HUD;waitUntil {life_thirst < 80};};

case (_pThirst >= 20 && _pThirst < 80): {_status = "icons\c8HUD\thirst_y.paa";[_status, false] spawn cloud8_Player_HUD;waitUntil {life_thirst < 20 || life_thirst >= 80};};

case (_pThirst < 20): {_status = "icons\c8HUD\thirst_r.paa";[_status, false] spawn cloud8_Player_HUD;waitUntil {life_thirst >= 20};};




cloud8_Player_HUD =



params ["_status"];

while{true} do {

if(!message1_active) exitwith {

11 cutRsc ["TAG_C8_display","PLAIN"];

_POPUPCLASS1 = uiNameSpace getVariable ["TAG_C8_display",displayNull];

message1_active = true;

_POPUP = _POPUPCLASS1 displayCtrl 520505;

_POPUP ctrlSetText _status;

sleep 10;

message1_active = false;


if(!message2_active) exitwith {

12 cutRsc ["TAG_C8_display1","PLAIN"];

_POPUPCLASS2 = uiNameSpace getVariable ["TAG_C8_display1",displayNull];

message2_active = true;

_POPUP = _POPUPCLASS2 displayCtrl 520506;

_POPUP ctrlSetText _status;

sleep 10;

message2_active = false;


if(!message3_active) exitwith {

13 cutRsc ["TAG_C8_display2","PLAIN"];

_POPUPCLASS3 = uiNameSpace getVariable ["TAG_C8_display2",displayNull];

message3_active = true;

_POPUP = _POPUPCLASS3 displayCtrl 520507;

_POPUP ctrlSetText _status;

sleep 10;

message3_active = false;


sleep 0.05;



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Anyone able to take a look at this for me?

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I figured it out.  The HUD was being called from two different places.

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