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Activating a trigger when waypoint is reached (not if faction present)

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So I'm trying to succeed a task when a slingload has been completed, e.g. wait for a supply drop.

The helo plays a message which is in the Cargo Drop Waypoint's OnAct field saying that the drop has been completed which is literally as the supply box hits the ground and that's when I want to activate the trigger and succeed the task. What script can I put in the OnAct field of the waypoint to fire that trigger?

I imagine this is really simple but I cannot figure it out. I've tried to use 'triggerActivation' but it just returns an error.

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If you want to activate trigger you need to execute something that will meet the trigger condition.


for eg if you set as trigger condition :

this && dropachieved

you need to set such variable in init.sqf

dropachieved = false;


OnAct field of the waypoint

dropachieved = true;

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Is there anything else that needs to be added to the init.sqf for this to work? As right now it doesn't seem to be working.

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