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Weapons - Arma3 Apex preset. No Action menu question

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When i select the Arma Apex Preset in Weapons, the in-game Action menu is gone. I love it! But i don't want to lose all my keybinds.


How can i make the action menu disappear -like in the Apex preset-, in my current setup?

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Even without Apex present, if you bind all Weapons and Groups of Weapons on keys, they will disappear from the action menu.

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When i select the Arma Apex Preset in Weapons, the in-game Action menu is gone. I love it! But i don't want to lose all my keybinds.


How can i make the action menu disappear -like in the Apex preset-, in my current setup?

You may manually keybind the relevant actions; to my knowledge only switching to primary/secondary/handgun are supported so far.

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Even without Apex present, if you bind all Weapons and Groups of Weapons on keys, they will disappear from the action menu.

Yes that is so, but what i mean is; if you select the Apex preset, it removes entries -not just weapons- from the Action menu almost entirely.

Actions as Enter vehicle, Open door etc are all changed to large Icons that appear on the screen. The Action menu doesn't open anymore.

I was wondering how to do that.

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