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TFAR Classname is wrong?

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Hello Folks.


Recently I've started implementing TFAR to my mission file. Currently there is a store in my missionfile which sells the TFAR handheld radio's but now I have one problem. The person that buy's the radio for example "tf_anprc152" will be automatically replaced with a different version of radio for example the "tf_anprc152_1". This is a issue for me because now I cannot predict what class name the TFAR item will have because it changes every time. Sometimes it is "tf_anprc152_2" or "tf_anprc152_4"...

I've noticed more players have this issue how can I solve this problem? I am calling the item like this in my script _i = ["tf_anprc152"]; . What should I do is there a way of solving this where the store item can be 1 forced class name instead of something dynamic?


I hope this made sense...

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Hm, I've seem to fix it. I made the store force selling "tf_anprc152_1". I don't know if this will cause interference with other TFAR features.

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You'll probably have to iterator through the assigned items of the player and use inString to check the classes (I'm assuming the TFAR radios are returned in assignedItems).


Something like this:

_radio = [];

	if (["tf_anprc152",_x] call BIS_fnc_inString) then
		_radio pushBack _x;
} count assignedItems player;

If you sell just the "tf_anprc152_1", every player will have the same radio ID, therefore, any time someone changes their settings/channel/frequencies, it will change everyone elses along with it.

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This happens because the TFR mod is  giving for every players unique radio .

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