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Real Time Marker Position Updates

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I am trying to update the position of the marker when the gun is fired. The marker will create but will not update after the first shot.




(_pick) addEventHandler ["fired",
call myFunction;
_unit = _this select 0;
_unitloc = getPosASL _unit;
hint format ["%1 Location",(getPosASL _unit)];
while {a < b} do {"YourMarker" setMarkerPos _unitloc;};
   _marker = createMarker ["YourMarker", _unitloc ];

"YourMarker" setMarkerType "mil_triangle";
"YourMarker" setMarkerSize [1, 1];
"YourMarker" setMarkerDir 0.93884;
"YourMarker" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";


and Here is the full script 


_Array1 = [];
_Array2 = [];
GBL_BulletsFired = 0;
   if (side _x isEqualTo EAST) then
    _x sideChat "You are an Enemy!";
    _Array1 = _Array1 + [_x];
    sleep 0.5;

} forEach allUnits;

_count = count _Array1;
for "_i" from 0 to _count do

_total = (count _Array1);
//hint format ["Array Total: %1",_total];
//sleep 2;
if (_total==0) exitwith {hint "Script Setup Complete"};

_rnd = floor (random _total);
//hint format ["Random Number: %1",_rnd];
//sleep 2;

_pick = _Array1 select _rnd;
//hint format ["Soldier Picked: %1",_pick];
//sleep 2;
_Array1 = _Array1 - [_pick];
//hint format ["%1 has been removed from _Array1",_pick];
//sleep 2;

_Array2 = _Array2 + [_pick];
//hint format ["%1 has been added to _Array2",_pick];
//sleep 2;

(_pick) addEventHandler ["fired",
call myFunction;
_unit = _this select 0;
_unitloc = getPosASL _unit;
hint format ["%1 Location",(getPosASL _unit)];
while {a < b} do {"YourMarker" setMarkerPos _unitloc;};
   _marker = createMarker ["YourMarker", _unitloc ];

"YourMarker" setMarkerType "mil_triangle";
"YourMarker" setMarkerSize [1, 1];
"YourMarker" setMarkerDir 0.93884;
"YourMarker" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";



myFunction =
GBL_BulletsFired = GBL_BulletsFired + 1;
hint format ["Shots Fired: %1",GBL_BulletsFired];




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Could you elaborate on what it is you want exactly? So it starts off with no marker, then when a unit fires a marker appears at his location? Then what? It follows him around forever?

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What is this doing? what is "a" what "b"?

  while {a < b} do {"YourMarker" setMarkerPos _unitloc;};

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