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Player and Friendly AI.. spotting enemies

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I play SP alot, and i recently got a new hard drive, so i needed to download steam and install Arma 3 again (thank God all the Mods and saved missions were backed-up). One thing i have noticed however, is the player's and friendly AI's ability to spot targets. It has dramatically reduced the effectiveness of a squad.


I did a test where i commanded a 3 man fire team, and i placed an enemy unit 300meters away. There was a clear line of sight, no trees or anything blocking the view. When i set my scope on the target, the player i am controlling no longer calls out the target and reports to the AI. E.g. my player used to state, "contact, 300 meters north" automatically (or something like that, i am paraphrasing). For some reason it is not doing this, and as a result, i cannot use the "engage" function in the main AI command menu. Also previously, whenever my player called out a target, all of the AI's that had a line of sight would immediately turn and focus on that target. Since that it not happening, they just remain standing, completely oblivious to danger, and ususally facing the wrong direction.


This is also occurring with the AI units. They are simply not detecting anything. Even when i direct them to look directly at an enemy using "command watch" (tab-alt key). they still are not detecting anything. Its only when they get <150meters do they start detecting. (they used to be able to spot enemies as far away as 500 meters when they were facing that direction and had a line of sight)


Before i replaced my hard drive, this was never an issue. Anyone else have this problem and know how to fix it?



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Have you assigned a key to "reveal target"?

Mine is bound to ironsight/zoom, so my avatar usually calls out targets when I aim & focus on them.

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