captmoose344 29 Posted March 25, 2016 Hello Arma Community, I have been making an Arma 3 Ambiance mission with the NIMITZ mod team. Here is a video of what it looks like in the editor. The problem i seem to be facing is when its hosted on a dedicated server that the triggers fire off along with the animations however the characters do not move, they simply walk in place. This makes me think that the AI are trying to walk but do not see the ground beneath them since they are some 17 m above sea level on the carrier deck. Thus they are thinking they are in freefall just not making it to ground level. My trigger activation field says this: nul=[s2] execVM "Cat2\Shooter222.sqf"; Hint "Lower Launch Bar."; [THIS] Exec "Radiochat.sqf"; Where S2 is a character on the deck, Shooter222 is the animation.sqf file which says this: // Yellow Shirt (SHOOTER) scripts _S2 = _this select 0; execVM "Cat2\green555.sqf"; execVM "Cat2\green444.sqf"; [s2, "Acts_NavigatingChopper_Out"] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0,false]; Sleep 3.866; [s2, "HubBriefing_pointLeft"] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0,false]; Sleep 4.5; execVM "Cat2\green111.sqf"; execVM "Cat2\green222.sqf"; execVM "Cat2\green333.sqf"; [s2, "Acts_Kore_TalkingOverRadio_in"] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0,false]; Sleep 1; [s2, "Acts_Kore_TalkingOverRadio_loop"] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0,false]; Sleep 8; [s2, "Acts_Kore_TalkingOverRadio_out"] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0,false]; Sleep 1; [s2, "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_SaluteIn"] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0,false]; Sleep .769; [s2, "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_Salute"] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0,false]; Sleep 10.8; [s2, "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_SaluteOut"] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0,false]; Sleep .769; [s2, "AmovPercMwlkSnonWnonDr"] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0,false]; Sleep 8; [s2, "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon"] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0,false]; Sleep 1; [s2, "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_Scared2"] remoteExec ["switchMove", 0,false]; Sleep .5; S2 setPosASL [17463.9, 29010.8, 17.5]; Is there something in the files i need to change? or what can i modify to fix this issue of the AI walking in place instead of across the deck? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites