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Is it possible to force loading of addons via admin console?

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Is it possible to force loading of addons via admin console? I am using the zombie mod https://forums.bistudio.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&andor_type=&sid=a41b8be4eaae825ff14af903494bf223&search_app_filters[forums][sortKey]=date&cType=topic&cId=182412&search_app_filters[forums][sortKey]=date&search_term=server&search_app=forums&st=50


The zombies do not appear on a dedicated server, but do appear for local multiplayer.

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I'm kinda confused with what your after but I'll take a shot.

If the server is launched with the mod enabled, and the mod has some sort of "initialize" function, then yes, in the admin console on the server you should be able to execute that function (with a server exec) to start up the mod (theoretically).

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This sounds like an issue with the server, are you sure the server is running with the mods running? There is no way to enable mod in the same instance of the game (i.e. you need to restart so that the configuration classes can be processed).

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I think it is a bug in the mod. Previous versions worked.

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