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Help with vehicle config

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Hello, I just finished re texturing an offroad, but I am having difficulty with/finding the vehicle config.cpp. Here's what I did to find the config I used:

Arma 3 > Addons > Soft_F > Offroad_01 > config.bin and then I used Arma 3 Tools to turn the config.bin into a config.cpp. I am not sure if this is the right config to use for my mod.


Here's what my mod folder currently looks like:


By the way I took the .paa file out of the addons folder so that you guys could see everything in the mod folder.


Thanks for the help,




P.S: I hope my question makes sense  :lol:

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You need the correct file structure for a start, which you totally don't have:

Make a folder called 'DELTA_Offroad' (or whatever), then put the config.cpp and texture file in there.


You'll also need to edit the config.cpp (a lot) rather than just putting a stock config in there and hoping for the best)...I'll try to help you through that process when I get home from work.

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Right, so as I posted previously you'll want to create a folder called 'DELTA_Offroad' or whatever, and within that you'll want your texture, and your config.cpp






I also noticed your new texture doesn't use the correct Texture Naming Rules. Go back to the original TGA/PNG file and rename it 'Delta_customoffroad_co.tga/png' and then re-convert it using TexView.


Now, the config.cpp (be advised I have NOT tested this, its just going from what might/should work:

class CfgPatches
	class DELTA_CustomOffroad
		ammo[] = {};
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		vehicles[] = {"DELTA_CustomOffroad_01"};
		requiredVersion = 1.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Soft_F"};
		author = "Delta3242";

class WeaponFireGun;
class WeaponCloudsGun;
class WeaponFireMGun;
class WeaponCloudsMGun;

class CfgVehicles
	class LandVehicle;
	class Car: LandVehicle
		class HitPoints;
		class NewTurret;
	class Car_F: Car
		class Turrets;
		class HitPoints;
		class EventHandlers;
		class AnimationSources;
	class Offroad_01_base_F;
	class Offroad_01_armed_base_F;
	class C_Offroad_01_F;

	class DELTA_CustomOffroad_01: C_Offroad_01_F
		scope = 2;
		side = 3;
		author = "Delta3242"; 
		displayName = "DELTA CUSTOM OFFROAD"; // the name it should appear as in the editor
		hiddenSelections[] = {"camo","camo2"};
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\DELTA_Offroad\Delta_customoffroad_co.paa","\DELTA_Offroad\Delta_customoffroad_co.paa"};

Now once thats all sorted, you'll need to move the folder to your P drive to pack it using Addon Builder or Mikero's tools.

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I was able to get it into the game but the textures do not load and the civilian appears dead upon spawning it in:



And here's what my PBO looks like:\


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