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Big Daddy Grimm

No Longer Can Open Missions In Eden

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All of a sudden I can no longer see or open missions in the editor. I have verified the ARMA files through steam. I have tried both the 2D and 3D versions of the editor and can not see any missions that I have made or edited. I have a few missions that I down loaded and extracted from the pbo and the editor doesn't see then either. Hopefully I don't have to uninstall and reinstall the program.

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I have a couple missions I can open in the 2d editor but wont open in the 3d editor..just get a message saying failed loading. Do you get a specific error at all?




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I have a couple missions I can open in the 2d editor but wont open in the 3d editor..just get a message saying failed loading. Do you get a specific error at all?


Make sure to put a player on the 2d mission before converting
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i don't even see the missions in the map list


No specific error don't show missions when I go to open mission

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