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[SOLVED] Custom control disappears in preference window after saving

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After saving and exiting the preference window, my attribute with a custom combobox disappears, vanilla controls work fine.

Strange thing about that is, that the same control works fine on unit attributes.




class GarrisonFactionCombo: Title
	attributeLoad = "\
		_ctrl = _this controlsGroupCtrl 100;\
		_attCtrl = getText( _config >> 'control' );\
		_staticItemsCfg = configFile >> 'Cfg3DEN' >> 'Attributes' >> _attCtrl >> 'Controls' >> 'Value' >> 'items';\
		_fnc_setValues = {\
			private [ '_index' ];\
			params[ '_path', [ '_apply', true ] ];\
				_cfg = _x;\
				if ( _apply ) then {\
					_index = _ctrl lbAdd getText( _cfg >> 'text' );\
					_ctrl lbSetData [ _index, getText( _cfg >> 'data' ) ];\
					_index = _foreachindex;\
				if ( !( _value isEqualType '' ) ) then {\
					if ( _index isEqualTo _value ) then {\
						_ctrl lbSetCurSel _index;\
					if ( _value == getText( _cfg >> 'data' ) ) then {\
						_ctrl lbSetCurSel _index;\
			}forEach configProperties [_path,'isclass _x'];\
		if ( isClass _staticItemsCfg ) then {\
			[ _staticItemsCfg, false ] call _fnc_setValues;\
		_dynamicItemsCfg = configFile >> 'Cfg3DEN' >> 'Attributes' >> _attCtrl >> 'Controls' >> 'Value' >> 'ItemsConfig';\
		if ( isNumber( _dynamicItemsCfg >> 'localConfig' ) && { getNumber( _dynamicItemsCfg >> 'localConfig' ) > 0 } ) then {\
			_class = getArray( _dynamicItemsCfg >> 'path' ) select 0;\
			_path = missionConfigFile >> _class;\
			if ( isClass _path ) then {\
				_path call _fnc_setValues;\

	attributeSave = "\
		_ctrl = (_this controlsGroupCtrl 100);\
		_value = _ctrl lbData lbCurSel _ctrl;\
		_att = getText( _config >> 'property' );\
		collect3DENHistory {\
				_x set3DENAttribute [_att,_value];\
			} forEach ( get3DENSelected 'object' );\

	class Controls {
		class Title: Title{}; 
		class Value: ctrlCombo
			idc = 100;
			h = SIZE_M * GRID_H;

			class Items
				class NATO
					text = "NATO";
					data = "NATO";
					default = 1;
				class NATO_recon
					text = "NATO (Recon)";
					data = "NATO_recon";
				class CSAT
					text = "CSAT";
					data = "CSAT";
				class CSAT_recon
					text = "CSAT (Recon)";
					data = "CSAT_recon";
				class AAF
					text = "AAF";
					data = "AAF";
				class FIA
					text = "FIA";
					data = "FIA";



class GarrisonBuildings
	collapsed = 0;
	displayName = "Garrison Settings";
	class attributes
		class BuildingCoverage
			displayName = "Coverage of selected Buildings"; 
			tooltip = "Set how many of the selected buildings will be garrisoned"; 
			property = "3E_coverageBuildings"; 
			control = "GarrisonCoverageCombo"; 
			control = EditShort;
			expression = "";
			defaultValue = 1;
			typeName = "NUMBER";
		class BuildingPosCoverage: BuildingCoverage
			displayName = "Coverage of Building Positions"; 
			tooltip = "Set how many building positions should be garrisoned"; 
			property = "3E_coverageBuildingsPos";
			typeName = "NUMBER";
		class GarrisonFaction
			displayName = "Faction"; 
			tooltip = "Set what faction should garrison the building"; 
			property = "3E_garrisonFaction"; 
			control = "GarrisonFactionCombo";
			expression = "";
			defaultValue = "NATO";
			typeName = "STRING";


Am I missing something obvious here?

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