Tom212 11 Posted March 11, 2016 Got a very strange bug here with a mission I'm working on. I have two scripts, both have the exact same line of code in it which is below: [[_objectiveDetails,"scripts\objectiveNew.sqf"], "BIS_fnc_execVM", CIV] call BIS_fnc_MP; In one script this works perfectly, no errors, I receive the desired effect. However in the second script it's claiming that the side parameter supplied is an undefined variable. With the script that works I've tried various ways of entering the parameter to see if there's something wrong there, however both 'civilian' and 'CIV' work when used in that function. However neither of them work when used in the other script. Any idea what could be causing this? I've triple checked, the line of code is exactly the same and there is no other stage in the script where I refer to or use 'civilian' or 'civ' as a variable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
davidoss 552 Posted March 11, 2016 [[_objectiveDetails,"scripts\objectiveNew.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",CIVILIAN,false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; The way how to execute script and which parameters need to be pass and how are defined in script itself. Show us the script first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom212 11 Posted March 11, 2016 This is the script that isn't working. private ["_hvtLocation", "_hvtMission", "_timeLimit", "_succeeded"]; //Set mission time limit in seconds. _timeLimit = 1000; _timeLimit = serverTime + _timeLimit; _hvtLocation = _this; // Store supplied location parameter. _hvtMission = ["hvtMission"]; //hint format ["%1", _hvtLocation]; //Remove HVT from avaliableMissions array so it cannot be called again until the mission is complete. availableMissions = availableMissions - _hvtMission; hint format ["Available Missions Array: %1", availableMissions]; //Create and prepare the HVT NPC. _group = createGroup resistance; "I_Officer_F" createUnit [_hvtLocation, _group, "hvtTarget = this"]; removeAllWeapons hvtTarget; hvtTarget disableAI "MOVE"; hvtTarget disableAI "AUTOCOMBAT"; //Creates marker, be sure to check these are only visible to spies. //Fix issue with conflicting marker names on multiple runs. _objectiveDetails = ["hvt", "Assassinate enemy officer.", hvtTarget]; [[_objectiveDetails, "scripts\objectiveNew.sqf"], "BIS_fnc_execVM", CIV] call BIS_fnc_MP; //_objectiveDetails execVM "scripts\objectiveNew.sqf"; //Below code will be executed on soldier clients. //_objectiveDetails = _hvtLocation + ["hvt", "Protect the friendly officer."]; //_objectiveDetails execVM "scripts\objectiveNew.sqf"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Pause until mission is succeeded or failed. waitUntil {!alive hvtTarget or serverTime > _timeLimit}; if (!alive hvtTarget) then { _succeeded = true; } else { _succeeded = false; deleteVehicle hvtTarget; }; //succeeded needs to be a local variable, fix scope problem. //Finish the objective and enter the mission type back into the missions array. [[["hvt", _succeeded], "scripts\objectiveFinished.sqf"], "BIS_fnc_execVM", civilians] call BIS_fnc_MP; //["hvt", _succeeded] execVM "scripts\objectiveFinished.sqf"; availableMissions = availableMissions + _hvtMission; sleep 5; hint format ["Available Missions Array: %1", availableMissions]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
killzone_kid 1332 Posted March 11, 2016 CIV is not a side and neither is civilians, but civilian is Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom212 11 Posted March 11, 2016 Thanks that did the trick. Still very bizarre that it worked with 'CIV' and 'civilians' on the other script. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites