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Sgt Hammer

A question

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Hey folks, I searched all tutorials and stuff and I did not find what I was looking for, so here is what I need.

I have a mission that requires me to nail some shilkas so that two Apaches can come and blow the #### out of a town..

I have trigger that plays music when the shilkas are blown, but I would like to know how I can get that to signal my apaches to attack (like to activate a seek and destroy waypoint)

any help will be appreciated.

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ok first in the onactivation feild of the trigger that plays the music, put wp1=1 in it.

then make a waypoint really near the choppers ( or even on them) and put wp1==1 in the condiotin feild ( note 2 = marls here) and that should get the choppers to start moving after the shilkas have been blow up.

after the first wp of the choppers u can put all your other wp's in and it will wait at the first wp unit wp1=1 then it will move on to the town smile.gif


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Thanks Red! one more question

Lets say I want a team of bradleys to unload soldiers into the city after I kill everybody,.. how would I do that?

I tried the wp1=1 and wp1==1 thing but they just head towards the city right away without waiting

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You have to put in the first waypoint for the bradleys ( next to them or ontop of them) wp1==1 in the condition feild,

It has to be right next to them becuase that is the waypoint they will wait at untill they get the wp1=1 value then move on.



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What I would do is make a move waypoint near the town then another in the place you want them to disembark. Then put a trigger in the town with activator- east-not present. then drag a schronisation line onto the move waypoint so that when all eastern forces are dead the Bradleys move in. Simple!

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