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Mission.sqm issue

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So I was making a mission using mods: ACE3,CBA,RHS,TFR(radios)

So what happen now I made a mission in somewhere in middle of the mission I decided I will remove ACE 3 from it,just until I finish it. Now 3 Units that I placed I edited them in Arsenal and they had Ace parachute and bandages and morphine in the vest etc. Now when I decided to remove ace I went into units arsenal again, and removed all ACE items,now when I fired up mission without ACE I got an error(just gets me back to server menu) and  I checked logs, and it says

11:50:15 Bad vehicle type ACE_NonSteerableParachute
I wasn't running ACE and none of the units had that ACE parachute I removed it. 

Second time also I used RH Pistols mod (added to unit with arsenal) later on decided to remove it, and  again same problem, getting an error on a mission that weapon is missing even if I removed it from unit,I checked mission.sqm file and found Pistol and ammo was still there even if in game it is not.

Now maybe I am doing something wrong or this is a bug. I would like to clear this out because it is a pain in the ass :D Thank you

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