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Help with Add action and passing a Value

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I have a little dialog so a player can drop some cash  - this all works they drop the cash fine and _money holds this value but then I need to attach an Addaction to the dropped money and pass the _money to the pickupcash.sqf , so when a player picks it up they get the correct amount.


just cannot seem to pass the value to .pickupcash.sqf

_cash = createVehicle ["Land_Money_F", [player, [0,1,0]] call relativePos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

///_money holds how much they dropped but not sure how to pass this using the addaction////

[[_cash ,[("<t color=""#FF0000"">" + ("Collect Money") + "</t>"),{_this execvm "scripts\pickupcash.sqf"},[],0,false,true, "",'']],"addAction",true,true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;


deleteVehicle (_this select 0);  /// delete money

_money= _this select 1; ?????????????

hint "You've acquired xxx money";  // show amount they picked up

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You can pass arbitrary arguments via addAction. It is the parameter right after the path to the script (which, by the way, you can just use instead of running code that executes a script anyway). Just make the parameter equal to your money value, like this:

[[_cash ,[("<t color=""#FF0000"">" + ("Collect Money") + "</t>"),"scripts\pickupcash.sqf",myValue,0,false,true, "",'']],"addAction",true,true,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

Note where I added "myValue" above. This is where you could put the value of the money dropped. Then, in your pickupcash.sqf:

_money= _this select 1;
_amount = _this select 3;
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