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Moving targets in Eden editor - changed?

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I'm using the great new Eden editor to put a shoot house together. I want to have moving targets, and I'm using some stuff I found a while back, and it doesn't seem to work on a dedi server. I think this is new, with the new editor and its changes, but I don't know.


I'm using this function to do the moving:

fn_MovingTargetOnce =
	private ["_target","_distance","_speed","_dir"];
	if (!isServer) exitWith {};//added to prevent MP unpredictable effects

	_target = _this select 0;
	_dir = _this select 1; // direction of travel (and opposite)
	_distance = _this select 2; // how far to travel in each direction
	_speed = _this select 3; // speed of movement
	_pause = _this select 4; // pause at either end

	sleep _pause;
	for "_i" from 0 to _distance/_speed do
		_target setPos
			(position _target select 0) + ((sin (_dir)))*_speed,
			(position _target select 1) + ((cos (_dir)))*_speed,
		sleep 0.01;
	sleep 0.05;

And then I'm calling it from a script, with something like this:

    [tar1,((direction tar1) -90),10,0.06,.3] spawn fn_MovingTargetOnce;


Works fine in SP, but in the dedicated server, the target waits then jumps to the end position. Not sure what's wrong.


Any ideas on how to do this right on a dedi (MP) server, with the current editor?


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It would be amazing if someone could give us an example of how to make them work, i'm new to editing so my questions are these;


do i just place the rails connected with end rails either side and the target sat snug on top?


if so, how can i get said target to move?


If not, as Op asked, what do we need to do in eden?


Many thanks

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It would be amazing if someone could give us an example of how to make them work, i'm new to editing so my questions are these;


do i just place the rails connected with end rails either side and the target sat snug on top?



I can tell you this: you don't need the rails; they're just for the visuals, to look realistic for the players. But the targets will work without them.


I've searched in other forums and I'm not finding current info on getting targets to move right on a dedicated server.

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Can you tell how to then ?


The simple way to use them, above, is not working properly in a dedicated server. That's the help I'm looking for.

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