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=242= CPT. Helios

Cannot set faction specific respawn templates

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Back in the old desciption.ext, we had the ability to set respawn templates for different factions. Civilians, Indfor, West, and East, could all have different settings depending on

respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"Tickets","Counter","wave"}; 
respawnTemplatesEast[] = {,"Counter","wave"};
respawnTemplatesGuer[] = {"Tickets","Counter","Menuposition","wave"};

This functionality is missing from 3den. It is very important for certain, faction based scripts. For example, we have a mission where players on east can take control of AI to fight against a powerful blufor faction of players. Is it possible?

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Just create a description.ext ;)

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I thought description.ext was ignored by 3den and that we lost this functionality.


No it's not, there are still things that 3den can't do, and will probably not do in the future, for example creating custom classes. That's where the description.ext is still handy.

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Great stuff guys, but I have another huge problem.


I converted my mission, and I'm using description.ext which worked great in the 2d editor.


In the eden editor, it somehow adds a "default" rifleman selection when players respawn, in addition to the class I have added in the description.ext. No I haven't added this class anywhere, the game simply adds a default soldier class. Let me know if I need to copy my ext file.



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