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Adding an Event Handler (SP)

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I am wanting to capture when a unit is killed, and display it sort of as a rudimentary kill tracker. I have added the event handler, with an output to but it seems to not see when the object I have is destroyed. I am sure I am missing something, but I cannot figure it out.


I have placed the event handler in script that is called when the addaction is used:


addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", {hint format ["%1 was killed",name (_this select 0)];}];


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I think it's just "Killed" but you can use "DamageHandler"

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Tried this tonight but throws an error

Error in expression <r + 1;

Error position: <damage _skeet) > 0.1) then 
Error damage: Type String, expected Object
_skeet = "Skeet_Clay_F";
counter = 0;
fnc_showHits = {
hintSilent format ["You've hit %1",counter];
fnc_trackHits = {
counter = counter + 1;
publicVariable "Hits";
if ((damage _skeet) > 0.1) then 
_skeet addEventHandler ["killed", fnc_trackHits];
else {
"Hits" addPublicVariableEventHandler {call fnc_showHits};

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simply because _skeet = "Skeet_Clay_F"; which is a string, you need to actually match it up with an object that is in game, so like _skeet = "Skeet_Clay_F" createVehicle getPos _skeetMachine; this will make an actually in game object.

Also if this is for single you have added in a lot of stuff for mp that will fail because it's in single.

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