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how is it you get the guys to jump out of aircraft one by one rapidly? the scripting command i have dosnt work!

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It's because you did it wrong =). There is so many ejection scripts out there. There is some at www.ofpec.com in the Editors Section look down the left panel for Ejection or something like that. I got one from there that makes your guys eject 1 by 1 after your helo/plane goes 5 meters. Pretty cool.

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ok found some but in files (sqs) the one i got was just a script, were do these go how do they work?

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Usually the scripts have readmes with them and will explain what to change in the script. You put the script in your user/mission/name of your mission folder.

Depends on what the readme says you will have to name your guys and the helo/plane then type in each persons init field something like [Guy1,Helo1] exec "nameofscript.sqs" something like that in each feild.

Just read the tuturials at www.ofpec.com. Anything you need to know usually they have the answer.

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