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Dynamic respawn position

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I'm currently working on a mission in which all players and AI "die" in a scripted ambush in the beginning, and a few should respawn (to simulate surviving). But for that I need to set the respawn position dynamically, is there an easy way to do this? Currently I let them respawn and teleport them with setPos. But I guess there is a more beautiful way to do this. 




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I just set respawn = "BASE" in the description.ext, so the player respawns at the same position he dies. But that is inside a burning tank :D

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try simply moving the respawn_YOURSIDE marker to a new location before player can respawn, or simply make a script called onPlayerRespawn.sqf then teleport the players to the desired location after they respawn.






AUSMD_spawnPos = [getMarkerPos "Respawn_West",10 + random 10,random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos; //find a position that is 10 to 20 meters from the respawn_west marker...random direction

player setPos AUSMD_spawnPos; //set player to new position

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