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Vehicles sound crackling.

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I, as many other people I know, have a problem with vehicles.

The sound crackles. Whether in one, or it's another one moving about. To fix the problem with the one your in, switching to 3rd person and back solves it. This is of course impossible if you are playing with 3rd person turned off (e.g. multiplayer).

It seems to happen with systems with Creative Sound Blaster Live! cards. Creative being the people who develop EAX.

Now without turning off EAX, because games really are a bit pants without it. Or turning down the hardware acceleration, is there anyway of fixing this bug, which only appears in Flashpoint?

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Sorry this is such an old topic, if you do a search you'll find plenty of threads, even some with links to "new" drivers that supposedly fix it, yet more that blame CL for the problem, and even some that blame Bis for the problem, take your pick smile.gif

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