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Help - dedicated server EventHandler Killed issue

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Within my mission i'm using EOS and i added this line so a script would run everytime a unit died/

_unit addEventHandler ["killed", {[_this select 0] ExecVm "Scripts\EOSUnitDeath.sqf"}];


_personOne = _this select 0;

// copyToClipboard faction _personOne 

if (faction _personOne == 'mas_med_opfi_hd') then 
	_rng = random 100;
	if (_rng < 5) then {
		_veh = createVehicle ["suitcase", getpos _personOne, [], 0, "NONE"]  ;
		[[_veh, ["Collect evidence","scripts\collect.sqf"]],"addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
	CivKilltally = CivKillTally + 1;
	if (CivkillTally == 5) then
			"end1" call BIS_fnc_endMission;
		hint format ["Warning Civilians Killed = %1 of 5 %2", CivKillTally];

This seems to work on a locally hosted server and in the editor but I dont have regular access to the dedicated server our group uses so I'm not able to run any tests.


Additionally this used to work on a previous version where EOS unit death was simply

_rng = random 100;

if (_rng < 5) then {

_personOne = _this select 0;
hint 'intel spawned';
_veh = createVehicle ["suitcase", getpos _personOne, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]  ;
[[_veh, ["Collect evidence","scripts\collect.sqf"]],"addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

} else {};

Also the global variable CivKillTally is definied in the init as

CivkillTally = 0;

any help would be appreciated and if need be i can provide more info 

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You can run a dedicated server on the same PC as your client to test locality issues (just use the Arma3server from steam tools)

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Ah, thx will do brb


edit - Ok this is a little more complex then i expected

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If you use ACE3 there are something has impact on the vanilia killed eventhandler.

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Ok update time,


So the problem is simple, EventHandler Killed is local and i need it to be global


Couldn't get the local dedicated server working w/ mods but i had some time on our server to figure out the issue



EDIT - Well, it pays to read the event handler wiki a bit more lol


New version of the eventhandler uses MPKilled so it should work on dedicated servers now :D


EDIT - Working now

_unit addMPEventHandler ["MPkilled", {[_this select 0] ExecVm "Scripts\EOSUnitDeath.sqf"}];

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