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Parachute openings

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Already i've read a few lines drawn between Flashpoint and Battlefield 1942.

For obvious reasons if you put both games in a ring and let them slug it out OFP would win hands down. Never-the-less, BF1942 does have some nifty ideas i was wondering about.

I'm no genius coder, i've never even released any of my lame missions.

But, i was wondering if there was some way in which the opening of the paracute could be left to the player, like assign a key or have it in the actions menu so that the player can perform their own HALO jumps and so forth, you know, get to ground easier.

The other question in this respect is, could you assign a key to the "Eject" command, time and time again i've been shot down and not been able to roll my mouse wheel over the eject button. if i could just mash the Keypad Enter button and bail it would make my deaths much less frequent.

Save me!

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Yes there was a post on this a few weeks ago, search for it (maybe search for halo of parachute) it basicly involved camcreateing a chute and moving the player incargo.


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