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Eden is Changing Skill Values

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 I generally greatly reduce all units skills as I find default way to lethal and unfun even at low skill settings. Ive noticed if I place units whose subSkills are in the .007 range in Eden -they are magically elevated much higher some skills actually setting themselves to 1.

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Could you please provide specific steps, so our QA can take a look at the issue?


* Which units are affected?

* How are you checking the skill value?

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 Some was my fault but the default subskills are always higher in Eden.


 Place basic Nato firesquad


 add this to debug courtesy greenfist:


player addAction ["Show skills",{  hintsilent format["aimingAccuracy %1\n  aimingShake %2\n  aimingSpeed %3\n  spotDistance %4\n  spotTime %5\n  courage %6\n  reloadSpeed %7\n  commanding %8\n  general %9\n", cursortarget skillfinal "aimingAccuracy",cursortarget skillfinal "aimingShake",cursortarget skillfinal "aimingSpeed",cursortarget skillfinal "spotDistance",cursortarget skillfinal "spotTime",cursortarget skillfinal "courage",cursortarget skillfinal "reloadSpeed",cursortarget skillfinal "commanding",cursortarget skillfinal "general"];}]


 Almost all if not all skills are higher in Eden.

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