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Codings Opfortracker

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CODI_OFT is an opfortracker.
It gives you the possibillity to mark opfor, independent, unknown, civilian and blufor units on the map. Additionally you can place some special markers for waypoints, landingzones, ...



How it works:

Create marker:
On the map click on the nato symbol you want to place.
Click on the unitsize.
Hold ctrl and doubleclick at the position you want to place a marker.

Move marker:
Hold ctrl, move mouse over marker, press left mouse button, move mouse to position, wehere the marker should be moved, release left mouse button.

Delete marker:
Press del and move mouse over marker.

Copy marker:
Move mouse over marker, hold ctrl and rightclick.

Special markers like waypoints have a color. When another group is moving your markers, the marker is assigned to this group and the color and name changes.

Markers can also be placed at the position the player is looking to when he has a rangefinder (or similar) or is in a UAV (or similar) or is a gunner/commander of a vehicle.

In the right upper corner on the Map is the distance and the angle displayed from a position to the mouseposition.
To set the position hold ctrl and leftclick where you want.
To make it track your own position hold ctrl and leftclick on yourself.

You need an CODI_OFT_Tablet to use the opfortracker.
It is not possible to see enemy markers if you collect an enemytracker.





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I request a small amount of feedback.
You dont need to say "Its awesome! Continue your work". (But I like it :D )
I am just interested in "objective" criticism.

So if the mod is bullshit, please just let me know.
Also if you are missing features or if something is not userfriendly or if you found bugs, please let me know.

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