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No entry .StandardSound

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I keep getting this error, whilst it's not game breaking for a server-side addon, it kinda sucks... Here's the config I'm including, no idea why it can't find StandardSound in the parent class...

class CfgAISkill
	aimingAccuracy[] = {0,0.5,1,0.5};
	aimingShake[] = {0,0.5,1,0.5};
	aimingSpeed[] = {0,0.1,1,0.5};
	commanding[] = {0,1,1,1};
	courage[] = {0,1,1,1};
	endurance[] = {0,1,1,1};
	general[] = {0,1,1,1};
	spotDistance[] = {0,1,1,1};
	spotTime[] = {0,1,1,1};

class Mode_SemiAuto;
class Mode_Burst;
class Mode_FullAuto;

class CfgWeapons
	class Rifle_Base_F;
	class rhs_pkp_base;

	class rhs_weap_pkp: rhs_pkp_base
		aiDispersionCoefX = 35;
		aiDispersionCoefY = 35;
		modes[] = {"ARC_AI_MGBurst"};

		class ARC_AI_MGBurst: Mode_FullAuto
			aiDispersionCoefX = 35;
			aiDispersionCoefY = 35;
			aiRateOfFire = 1;
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 800;
			minRange = 0;
			minRangeProbab = 0.89999998;
			midRange = 400;
			midRangeProbab = 0.80000001;
			maxRange = 800;
			maxRangeProbab = 0.30000001;
			burst = "18 + round random 9";
			dispersion = 0.005;
		class Single: ARC_AI_MGBurst {};
		class close: ARC_AI_MGBurst {};
		class short: ARC_AI_MGBurst {};
		class medium: ARC_AI_MGBurst {};
		class far_optic1: ARC_AI_MGBurst {};
		class far_optic2: ARC_AI_MGBurst {};


Here's the RPT errors..

23:16:09 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/rhs_weap_pkp/ARC_AI_MGBurst.StandardSound'.
23:16:09 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/rhs_weap_pkp/ARC_AI_MGBurst.SilencedSound'.

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It can't find the sounds, because you aren't defining them, and for the class are inheriting from Mode_FullAuto.


Just add the define for sounds in

class CfgAISkill
	aimingAccuracy[] = {0,0.5,1,0.5};
	aimingShake[] = {0,0.5,1,0.5};
	aimingSpeed[] = {0,0.1,1,0.5};
	commanding[] = {0,1,1,1};
	courage[] = {0,1,1,1};
	endurance[] = {0,1,1,1};
	general[] = {0,1,1,1};
	spotDistance[] = {0,1,1,1};
	spotTime[] = {0,1,1,1};

class Mode_SemiAuto;
class Mode_Burst;
class Mode_FullAuto;

class CfgWeapons
	class Rifle_Base_F;
	class rhs_pkp_base;

	class rhs_weap_pkp: rhs_pkp_base
		aiDispersionCoefX = 35;
		aiDispersionCoefY = 35;
		modes[] = {"ARC_AI_MGBurst"};

		class ARC_AI_MGBurst: Mode_FullAuto
			sounds[] = {"StandardSound","SilencedSound"};
                        class BaseSoundModeType
                                closure1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_2",0.9622777,1,300};
                                closure2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\weapons\closure\closure_rifle_3",0.9622777,1,300};
                                soundClosure[] = {"closure1",0.5,"closure2",0.5};
                        class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType
			aiDispersionCoefX = 35; 
			aiDispersionCoefY = 35; 
			aiRateOfFire = 1; 
			aiRateOfFireDistance = 800; 
			minRange = 0; 
			minRangeProbab = 0.89999998; 
			midRange = 400; 
			midRangeProbab = 0.80000001; 
			maxRange = 800; 
			maxRangeProbab = 0.30000001; 
			burst = "18 + round random 9"; 
			dispersion = 0.005; 
		class Single: ARC_AI_MGBurst {}; 
		class close: ARC_AI_MGBurst {}; 
		class short: ARC_AI_MGBurst {}; 
		class medium: ARC_AI_MGBurst {}; 
		class far_optic1: ARC_AI_MGBurst {}; 
		class far_optic2: ARC_AI_MGBurst {}; 

Though you may have to edit the paths depending on where your PBO will be installed.



As a matter of interest, why are you making all fire modes exactly the same as full auto (i.e. ai engagement range and bursts fired etc)? You do realise thats going to make for some....interesting altercations with the AI blatting off rounds all over the gaff, right?

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Ah that's annoying, I was hoping I wouldn't have to define them again... And the reason why all fire modes are the same, is because our group is fed up with tap-fire machine gunners. You should see this shit at night time with tracers, it's glorious!

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