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A worthy question

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I need a line of code which will activate when another car of any type is less than 3m from my stationary jeep.

Any ideas?

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car_1 Distance car_2 > 3

in the condition field

Sorry damage inc, looks like you beats me to it smile.gif

(Edited by Intruder at 9:27 pm on Dec. 22, 2001)

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No, I need to make it activate if ANY vechicle is close.

I would like to avoid creating 30 triggers, one for every vehicle on the map.

Like the title says, this is a worthy question.

Thankyou for responding so quickly!

(Edited by Daneel at 10:28 pm on Dec. 22, 2001)

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You don't have to create one trigger for every vehicle. Just type car1 distance jeep < 3 or car2 distance jeep < 3 or car3 distance jeep < 3 etc.

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I am driving the other car, and I am trying to find a single line of code that says "if there is a vehicle next to "myjeep" do........"

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By the way, I thought of "me in car, me not in "myjeep""

I just want to know if there is an even quicker way

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I don't think there is a quicker way, but that won't take long if you copy+paste the line.

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I found this in the command ref

nearestObject pos

Operand types:

   pos: Array

Type of returned value:



   Nearest building of given type to given position or object. pos may be [x,y,z, "type"] or [object, "type"].


   nearestObject [player, "StreetLamp"]

Any use for it?

I think Damage inc is right, you couldn't possibly have that many extra cars in you mission, copy and paste.

(Edited by Intruder at 9:40 pm on Dec. 22, 2001)

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no cutting and pasting needed, just use:

? (me in vehicle) && (me distance myjeep <3) && (! me in myjeep): do whatever.

I am looking for clarification on how to say (me in ANY vehicle) and asking if there is a quick way than this.

Cutting and pasting lines and lines bumps up the size of the mission and I'll end up with a huge download time.

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That one looks like it would need me to repeat for every possible different car.

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There's a mission with a "heat tracker" script. What is does is finds people within 100m a tells you their position and range. May be you can contact the creator?

The mission is Black Sunday by Kronzky

you can get it at http://www.opflashpoint.org/

If it works for any soldier, may be it works for any car?

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Yes, I was replying to an earlier post, this looks very promising.

I tend to use only the non official comref (a bad habit I have to stop) and I missed this one.

I'll explore it and see if I can get it to consider distances.

Thanks for all of the help guys.

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I'll look up this heattracker mission if I need to, and open it up. The code should be easy to locate.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Daneel @ Dec. 22 2001,21:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hei,<p>I need a line of code which will activate when another car of any type is less than 3m from my stationary jeep.

Any ideas?<span id='postcolor'>

If jeep will be stationary and you do not want to change its location, you can use trigger placed right on jeep:

axis A,B : 5,5

activation : anybody present repeatly

condition : "car" countType thislist-[jeep] >0

Trigger will be activated when another car moves near jeep. But when jeep changes its location, it will not work as you want.

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Try bart.jans way but if the jeep does move you could try putting another trigger with repeat on and in the act box:

triggername sepos(getpos jeepname)

this will set the trigger that has the activation stuff when another jeep passes in the area on the jeep constantly

did you get that?

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Digging up the past again?

Seems to be happing a lot lately.


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