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Basic.cfg issues with latest build

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since 1.54 we have issues with our server. We have 90 Slots (which ran good so far) but if the player count rises (above 80 players) all players get kicked because of "Ping too high".

Our server has a normal 1Gbp/s connection (OVH). Speed test results are fine too (800 mbit/s up and down). However, I'm really frustrated as nobody can't help me. Our Server doesn't has really heavy scripted load (loops, threads, etc). All DB stuff is handled by a hc. Especially due to the low scripted load this is a strange behaviour I've never seen before.


Our basic.cfg:


MaxMsgSend = 384;
MinErrorToSend = 0.005;
MinErrorToSendNear = 0.05;
MaxCustomFileSize = 0;
class sockets {maxPacketSize = 1400;};

I already had a look at these tutorials:





I heard of a startup paramterer writing a network log which could help to identify the problem. If somebody knows more about it help would be appreciated.



Thanks for your help!


Best regards


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Thanks! Do you have any other tips for me regarding this bandwith issue?

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Check these threads for some good info regarding basic.cfg:





The most players I've ever had on a server in A3 is approx 50.. so no experience with that high of a player count.  Trial and error might be your only solution :)

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