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fix array

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Hi. Its me again.


I got this code  from somewhere on this forum:

_cities = [];
_locations = configfile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Names";
_cityTypes = ["NameVillage","NameCity","NameCityCapital","NameLocal"];

for "_x" from 0 to (count _locations - 1) do {

_randomLoc = _locations select _x;
_cityPos = getArray(_randomLoc >> "position");
_cityType = getText(_randomLoc >> "type"); 

	if (_cityType in _cityTypes) then {

		_cities pushBack [_cityPos]; 

This is giving me array of positions in format


I need


How to fix that?


Please help.

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Is there any solution to apply position correction on each array element?








This is about to get exact some sector center.

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and since you are using parts of "SL_fnc_urbanAreas" you could add this line so strangely coded positions are fetched, too (e.g. for PR Fata sometimes position like ["3454,24 + 2342,34", "2343.23 + 2324.23"] occure)


_cityPos = getArray (_randomLoc >> "position");
if (typeName (_cityPos select 0) == "String") then
    _cityPos = [call compile (_cityPos select 0), call compile (_cityPos select 1)];

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Is there any solution to apply position correction on each array element?








This is about to get exact some sector center.

 this will propably only work if you do it manualy. The center of a city name is defined in the config. But if you see a pettern in the positions you could do this. E.g. the positions are always off a certain vector.



if you want the positions to be exact in the middle of a square on the map you coud use "modulo". 



_nbr = floor (_pos select 0); // _pos = [2915.2,6164.52] -> _nbr = 2915
_rest = nbr%50; // _rest =  15  <- look up the right syntax plz
_nbr = (50 - _rest) + nbr; //2950

_nbr ist the first index of your position array _pos

with floor you get an integer number

_rest is the rest that remains when you devide _nbr / 50 .

e.g 55%3 = 1, or 34%2 = 0

now we define the new number _nbr with  (50 - _rest) + the old number _nbr



now you can do this for the next index of _pos

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_cities = [];
_locations = configfile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Names";
_cityTypes = ["NameVillage","NameCity","NameCityCapital","NameLocal"];

for "_x" from 0 to (count _locations - 1) do 

    _randomLoc = _locations select _x;
    _cityPos = getArray(_randomLoc >> "position");
    _cityType = getText(_randomLoc >> "type"); 

    if(typeName(_cityPos select 0) == "String") then
        _cityPos = [call compile (_cityPos select 0),call compile (_cityPos select 1)];
    _posX = floor (_cityPos select 0);
    _posY = floor (_cityPos select 1);
    _rstX = _posX%50;
    _rsty = _posY%50;
    _posX = (50 - _rstX) + _posX;
    if (_posX%100 == 0) then {_posX = _posX + 50};
    _posY = (50 - _rstY) + _posY;
    if (_posY%100 != 0) then {_posY = _posY - 50};
    _cityPos set [0, _posX];
    _cityPos set [1, _posY];
    if (_cityType in _cityTypes) then 
        _cities pushBack _cityPos; 
    _mrk = createMarker [format ["%1",str _x] , _x];
    _mrk setMarkerShape "ICON";
    _mrk setMarkerType "mil_dot";
}foreach _cities;

sorry now they are dead center (at least on chernarus)

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and consider putting the position correction into  "if (_cityType in _cityTypes) then { /*position correction*/ _cities pushBack _cityPos}; ". No need to waste CPU usage.

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