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Need Collimator Help

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I cannot get the collimator to light up at night on my model EVEN WHEN I USE THE SETTINGS THAT PEOPLE SUGGEST TO USE IN RVMATS FOR COLLIMATORS. I mapped both the texture ("aimpoint_dot_ca.tga") and the .rvmat that goes with it ("kolimator.rvmat") to the circle that I am using for the reddot on the model and it reads the texture fine but the reddot does not light up and depending on where I point the rifle in-game, the reddot will go into shadow and out of shadow, even tho I put lodnoshadow 1 into the LOD property window for the ViewPilot LOD.  I have tried the alpha sorting in the view pilot lod and everything. I have set up the correct directory for all the files as well so I don't know what the heck the issue is.


A little off topic, but I cannot get the aimpoint lens to go completely transparent either. It goes in and out of transparency depending on where I point the rifle it is attached to in-game, similar to the reddot texture shadow bugs. The textures I am using are the same textures that come with Arma 2 sample models pack and the aimpoint model and textures are off of the default M16A4 CCO that comes in the Arma 2 sample pack. An expert on the subject would be very much appreciated.



Zachary Perfect-West

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