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Tactical numbers on tanks

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Please, Is it possible to disable tactical number decals randomisation on tanks so i can set specific number decal each time when mission starts?

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Just found answer myself by de-pebo'ed LIB_decals.ifa (renamed to pbo) and set this in init.sqf (init field of vehicle doesn't work as your change will be overwritten by game randomization)
this is valid for german tanks, for others you need find hidden selections ids by trial and error.
//heavy tanks
tank setObjectTexture [4,"nonumber.paa"];
tank setObjectTexture [5,"nonumber.paa"];
tank setObjectTexture [6,"nonumber.paa"];
//medium tanks
tank setObjectTexture [0,"LIB\lib_decals\german\_num\1.paa"];
tank setObjectTexture [1,"LIB\lib_decals\german\_num\2.paa"];
tank setObjectTexture [2,"LIB\lib_decals\german\_num\3.paa"];
tank setObjectTexture [1,"nonumber.paa"];
tank setObjectTexture [2,"nonumber.paa"];
tank setObjectTexture [3,"nonumber.paa"];

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Good find. Can you please explain what these three sets of commands achieve exactly?

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​Commads set texture to model selection. In this case selections are three tactical number textures decals on tanks. So you can set your own desired tactical number on tank. nonumber.paa is my empty texture to remove number digit completely.


Good find. Can you please explain what these three sets of commands achieve exactly?

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So why is the first argument for setObjectTexture 4,5,6 for heavies, 0,1,2 for mediums and 1,2,3 for halftracks? Is that what you managed to find out by trial and error, or is there some other meaning?




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​Because hidden selections for number decals varies on this models. For Russians you need find it by trial and error, also I found in ARMA 2 converted version it differs as well.


Yes I found this by trial and error and I don't know why it was set up like that, probably because it was just done like that, there is no real meaning.


So why is the first argument for setObjectTexture 4,5,6 for heavies, 0,1,2 for mediums and 1,2,3 for halftracks? Is that what you managed to find out by trial and error, or is there some other meaning?




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Thanks, I might actually use this to auto-generate and keep track of serial numbers on tanks.



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Yep, i want same number for player platoon in every misson as well.

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In the Initialization field of whatever tank for which you wish to set a new tactical number, place this code...


this setVariable ["LIB_Numbers",235]


...with the '235' being changeable to whatever three digit code you want. Note that two digit and one digit codes are also possible. If you do not want any code at all, put this in instead:


this setVariable ["LIB_Numbers",null]

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