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Sonny Jack

Help with distant ground textures

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All of the ground textures on my terrain are orange/red/brown however in the distance, the texture colours are green/yellow.



How do I change the colour of the distant textures to be more red/brown?


I'm not sure what files actually influence this effect but here is an example of one of my rvmats for 'red sand':

class Stage1
	class uvTransform
class Stage2
	class uvTransform

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Your screenshot is actually a classic illustration of how the various ground texture layers work in the Arma engine...


Directly under the players feet are the ground textures themselves - tiled on a 1 > 2m grid, with or without associated clutter, and with the _nohq, or _nopx bumpmapping...


As you look gradually further from the player, the same main ground texture tiles are shown in an increasingly lower level of detail, out to the maximum range you specify (or inherit) in your main terrain config.


Beyond that point, you see the basic satellite image itself.


As an additional helper, to smooth the trainsition from the ground textures area to the plain satellite image area, there's a sort of "transitional zone" where the furthest ground textures area (basically just a no-detail ground texture matching tint by that stage) and the nearest plain satellite imagery are "overlaid" with a special extra "detail texture" called the "middle_mco"... this is a special texture file which adds detail only (no actual colour or tint) and it's tiled according to the "Texture Layer Size" you set in your TB Sampler Tab settings... ie: its a small tile, like the ground textures, but stretched to cover about a 30-40m area...


Beyond that, as I mentioned before, is your actual Satellite Image itself...


If there's a distinct difference in the overall tone/tint/colour between the close up ground texture tile and the satellite image, you get the effect in your screenshot...


You have two choices...

Retint the satellite image in photoshop or something until it matches the overall colour/tint of the groundtexture, or...

Retint the ground texture in photoshop or something until it matches the overall colour tint of the satellite image..

(You only need to mess with the "visible" ground texture file, the "_co", in photoshop. Technically, you're also on the right track with the .rvmat, there ARE RGB parameters in there you could mess around with which will also affect the overall tint of a groundtexture... personally I always find just messing with the _co texture file easier, but rvmat retinting IS a viable option if you prefer to try that)


* In all cases, of course, back up your original file before messing with recolouring, so you can "return to zero" if it all goes horribly wrong... ;)


So - pick which one is closest to the actual look you're trying to achieve, and recolour the other to match... If you're careful, then after a little trial-and-error and experimenting you should be able to achieve a pretty seamless result...




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as always...the bushman enters with a super descripted out!


and on xmas day!!


merry xmas bush, when you decide to chip in here, you do it with great detail that even a fat bricklaying moron like me can understand!!


and yes, I'm half pissed. :rolleyes:

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Thank you! It's looking much better now




It'll still need some work but it's coming along

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