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=242= CPT. Helios

Server Admin Shared Banlist

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Players James Bond, Elite Harry and Mezd Upz connected to our server with arsenal anywhere and teleport capability. They were also using modded weapons. We asked them to stop, and kicked them when they didn't. They then rejoined and crashed the server, forcing everyone's desynch to 10000 and killing the players over and over. Suggest you admins add them to the list and and keep these guys out of your public Servers.

James Bond
- ID - 76561198142295393 
- IP -
- GUID - 5f30929a628b823fd1718b18f532e6b3
Elite Harry
- ID - 76561198086369631
- IP -
- GUID aae6db4a2736b7d19a45cbfd64ca7b6f (
Mezd Upz
- ID 76561198144448817
- IP
- GUID -  5684a4e5c0c8e072abc518b2f66eebb6

We suggest that you guys add these jerks to your banlists, and update this thread with any additional bans.

CPT. Helios, 242nd Nightstalkers


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Name Gongi 200 (banned on 3para-gu servers)

-GUID c826678e086fdfb4d343a20b34ab99e1
Using Player Cheat Menu (SSPCM)  and TK
Name Max (banned on 3para-gu servers)
-GUID 769c2312320e0775a62d698e3d5a8a84
Using Player Cheat Menu (SSPCM)

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Use BASIX anti hack and blacklist sspcm.pbo. I am using it on my 160th JSFAR servers (3 in total) and installed BASIX to work globally (a ban on one server will ban them from all 3 servers). In 3 weeks, BASIX has banned over 8 people trying to get in using SSPCM and/or Cheat Engine and/or DEVcon.

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