csk222 23 Posted December 19, 2015 Hello. Is it possible for non leaders (players) to mark targets for the whole squad? Can there be multiple marked targets/Red Boxes at the same time marked by members (players) of the squad? Here's a script I came across. Currently it works for each player on their own machine - where they each designate a target and can track it. How can I make changes to allow all squad members (players) to mark targets that are visible to all members (players) - Multiple Targets Simultaneously If Possible. targeter = _this select 0; my_target = cursorTarget; my_targetdis = targeter distance my_target; my_targetdis = round (my_targetdis); my_targetdir = getdir targeter; my_targetdir = round (my_targetdir); mrktarget = { { _x doTarget cursorTarget; } forEach units group targeter; }; my_msg = { //targeter groupChat format["Fire at this target! %1 m %2 deg from me", my_targetdis, my_targetdir]; targeter groupChat format["Target - %1 m - Bearing %2 - From my position", my_targetdis, my_targetdir]; }; [[targeter],"mrktarget",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; [[targeter, my_targetdis, my_targetdir],"my_msg",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites