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Radioing a Chopper

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Ok, last question for this mission. I have set up three three CH-47D's and I need them to come pick up guys when they radio call Delta.

Now, here is what I have done. I have put two waypoints for the CH-47D, with the first waypoint acting when pickup=true. When someone uses the radio, pickup is set to true. Now, here is the problem.. the choppers go in the air and wait at the first waypoint untill of course pickup=true. What I would like is for them actually to stay on the ground (not started), untill pickup=true. This is because of fuel problems.

What is the best way to do this?


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so u want the chinook to land get ur ppl to land and get back in the air? if it is i can help with that

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start them with no fuel via the slider, then in the radio trigger, put in the on activation field heli1 setfuel 1

where heli1 is the name of your chopper. to fuel all three, just put heli1 setfuel 1; heli2 setfuel 1; heli3 setfuel 1;

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yes, but I don't want the chopper to start up and head for his waypoint before delta is called. I have everything else done and I can call delta using the radio, the chopper lands, picks up the group and game ends. The problem is.. is that the chopper hoovers waiting for the delta call in order to go to its second waypoint which picks up the group.

Do you see what I am saying. The chopper should just sit their UNTIL the delta radio is called.


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