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SetVelocity Help

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Hello all,


I am having some trouble with a script I am trying to create. I am trying to recreate something along the line of a DEAD for diving as scene in this video: https://youtu.be/nV3Q4ZxA2Vs?t=544 . What I have now is something that just spawns you ontop of the water when  you use the addaction for the inflating vest. It literally just pops you up to the surface of the water. I am going for something that is more controlled and has a slower like in the video.

private ["_myvest"];
_myvest = vest player;

  if ((_myvest == "V_Press_F") && (surfaceIsWater position player)) then
    player setPosASL [getposASLW player select 0, getposASLW player select 1, 0];
    //player setVelocity [0, 0, 10];

I thought remembered reading some where that you couldn't use setveolicty on a player, and that it had to be on an object but I couldn't find that again. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great.

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setVelocity is 100% usable on players, below is what I use when people fuck up during casual training nights in my ARMA group. Its very amusing.

idiot = 'SmokeShellBlue' createvehicle getpos player;

idiot attachto [player];

player setvelocity [0,10,100];};

SetposASL will just teleport the player. Not what you want.

Try something like:

while {player getposASLW select 3 < -1 } do { player setvelocity [0,0,3]; sleep 1;}

Not gonna be perfect, but might work a bit better and set you on the right track

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I tried this and apparently I am having trouble with Setvelocity in water, as it works on land but not in the water. Any ideas?

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Yes it's a pain, I only every got it to work by spawning an object on land attaching the player to that object and applying velocity to that object and then detach/delete that object. 

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f2k sel probably has the only idea if setVelocity wont work underwater (Ive never attempted it).


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_S1 = 'SmokeShell' createVehicle getMarkerPos "sspawn";
_S1 attachto [player];
player setvelocity [0,0,1000];

Tried this and the item itself gets velocity, but it will not apply the velocity to the player.

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you need to apply the velocity to the object not the player, not all objects can be attached or have velocity applied to them.

Either way it's not going to be  a perfect solution.

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