zonekiller 175 Posted December 13, 2015 Just Run this on the server only. already Synced to MP and JIP Set All the weather settings to manual and full in the mission editor for your mission Call It Weather.sqf - or what ever you want if (isServer) then {_nil = [] execVM "Weather.sqf"}; // Script by Zonekiller -- -- -- -- //Set All the weather settings to manual and full in the mission editor of your mission sleep 1; // ARRAY SETTINGS [fog,gusts,(wind dir),(wind force),overcast,rain] // Weather Types _clear = [(Random 1),0,0,0,0,0]; _clearwindy = [(Random 1),(.5 + (Random .5)),(Random 360),(.5 + (Random .5)),0,0]; _windy = [(Random 1),(.5 + (Random .5)),(Random 360),(.5 + (Random .5)),(.1 + (Random .9)),0]; _stillrain = [(Random 1),0,0,0,(.45 + (Random .55)),(.1 + (Random .9))]; _storm = [(Random 1),(.5 + (Random .5)),(Random 360),(.5 + (Random .5)),(.5 + (Random .5)),(.5 + (Random .5))]; _weatherpattern = [_clear,_clearwindy,_windy,_stillrain,_storm]; _weather = (_weatherpattern select (floor(random (count _weatherpattern)))); _fog = (_weather select 0); _gust = (_weather select 1); _dir = (_weather select 2); _force = (_weather select 3); _oc = (_weather select 4); _rain = (_weather select 5); // only foggy in the mornings if ((daytime > 4) && (daytime < 10)) then { 0 setFog _fog; }else{0 setFog 0}; 0 setGusts _gust; 0 setWindDir _dir; 0 setWindForce _force; 0 setOvercast _oc; 0 setRain _rain; _foggy = 0; sleep 120; while {true} do { _weather = (_weatherpattern select (floor(random (count _weatherpattern)))); _fog = (_weather select 0); _gust = (_weather select 1); _dir = (_weather select 2); _force = (_weather select 3); _oc = (_weather select 4); _rain = (_weather select 5); if ((daytime > 4) && (daytime < 10)) then { (200 + (Random 1000)) setFog _fog; _foggy = 0; }else{ if (_foggy == 0) then {_foggy = 1;(120 + (Random 1680)) setFog 0}; }; (120 + (Random 1680)) setGusts _gust; (120 + (Random 1680)) setWindDir _dir; (120 + (Random 1680)) setWindForce _force; (120 + (Random 1680)) setOvercast _oc; (120 + (Random 1680)) setRain _rain; sleep 1800; }; 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites