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Map Scaled down? Texture file too low res

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So in Terrain builder everything is right; it is 2048x2048 and the Terrain mask, Terrain, Satelite image all match up perfectly. 


However in game it looks like this, There if even two strange rectangle on a angle in the far part of the map (that should not be there) 




It is quite strange because ingame the terrain size it perfect but when on the map it is too small, I dont want to scale it because that will  make the terrain too big? Explanation for strange boxes? 


Also here if a photo of what the Satelite image looks like in game: 




My actual satellite image:



Why would this be occurring? 

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Nevermind hahha, I fixed it. 


It's a good idea to post how, in case people having the same thing come across it on google. Even if it was some really simple reason

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It's a good idea to post how, in case people having the same thing come across it on google. Even if it was some really simple reason

Okay sure! Thanks for the idea!


So the problem was that I had the "Cell Size" to large, My terrain size was 2048 x 2048 and my Mapframe was originally set too 2048 x 2048 with a cell size of 40. It needed to be set to 1. 


I hope this may fix any problems for anyone in the future! :)




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