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Use Virtual Entity Spectator on Player Death

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I would like to use the new spectator to switch a killed player to.  I was able to get the spectator o activate upon death but I don't know how to get the spectator to close after the player respawns.


Respawn settings in description.ext

respawn = base;
respawnDelay = 60;
responDialog = 0;
respawnOnStart = 1;
respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition"};


player addEventHandler ["killed", {
  spec = [] execVM "spectator.sqf";


"VirtualSpectator_F" createUnit [position player, group player, "spectator=this"];
selectPlayer spectator;
spectator switchCamera "EXTERNAL";

[] spawn {
  waitUntil {inputAction "inGamePause" > 0};
deleteVehicle spectator;
selectPlayer player;
player switchCamera "INTERNAL";

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Hi there.


For this type of case, I would suggest using a more direct access (yet undocumented) to spectator functionality.

Because you want the player to be able to spectate when dead, and go back to control when he respawns, you can:

player addEventHandler ["Killed",
   ["Initialize", [player]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator;

player addEventHandler ["Respawn",
   ["Terminate"] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator;

// The following line, starts the spectator functionality for the player

["Initialize", [player]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator;


// When you want player to go back into control of his unit, for example, after respawn, you can just terminate the spectator the following way:

["Terminate"] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator;

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Hello neokika!


Respawn 	= 3;
respawnDelay 	= 10;
respawnDialog 	= 0;
respawnOnStart  = -1;
respawnTemplates[] = {"Revive"};
reviveDelay = 15;
reviveForceRespawnDelay = 5; 
reviveBleedOutDelay = 250;


/* BIS Save Gear */
[player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory;

/* BIS Spectator */
["Initialize", [player]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator; 


/* BIS Spectator */
["Terminate"] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator;

/* BIS Load Gear */
[player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory;

Result after death, as soon as the time runs revival. Is it possible to remove a red spot on the screen ?

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Well, the function makes things easier for sure.  Thanks for the info.


Couple of issues though.

When using MenuPosition the respawn menu overrides the spectator UI.

After closing the Spectator the player is invulnerable.

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After trying and failing to get this to work with Killed and Respawn event handlers combined with respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition"}; I settled on calling the spectator function with an addAction.  Here's what I've come up with.

// Written by "Rellikplug" a.k.a "Hill [29th ID]"
// Filename: spectator.sqf

/*  Action added to object
this addAction [
	"<t color='#00ff00'>Spectator</t>",
	"_this distance _target < 2"

While spectating in first-person the keys 'a', 's', 'd', and 'w' will move the spectating player around so
we force the player to sit and keep him sitting to prevent unintended movement.

if (isDedicated || !hasInterface) exitWith {}; // do not run on dedicated server or headlessclient

["Initialize", [player]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator;  // Start Spectator
player action ["SITDOWN", player]; // make player sit down.
cutText ["SPECTATOR\n----------\nPress RELOAD to exit","PLAIN DOWN"]; // Tell player they are spectating
hintSilent "SPECTATOR\n----------\nPress RELOAD to exit";  // Tell player they are spectating

["exitSpect", "onEachFrame", {
	if (stance player != "CROUCH") then { // check if player is still sitting
		player action ["SITDOWN", player]; // if player is not sitting then sit him back down
	if (inputAction "ReloadMagazine" > 0) exitWith { // Check if "Reload" key is pressed
		["Terminate"] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator; //  End Spectator
		cutText ["","PLAIN DOWN"]; // Clear cutText
		hintSilent ""; // Clear Hint
		player allowDammage true; // Make player vulnerable again because BIS forgot
		player switchCamera "internal"; // Make sure the camera is returned to the player
		["exitSpect", "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; //  Remove the stackedEventHandler as we no longer need it
}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

sleep 30;

if (!isNil {missionNamespace getVariable "BIS_EGSpectator_initialized"}) then { // Check if spectator is active
	[] spawn {
		while {!isNil {missionNamespace getVariable "BIS_EGSpectator_initialized"}} do { // While spectator is active show messages
			cutText ["SPECTATOR\n----------\nPress RELOAD to exit","PLAIN DOWN"];
			hintSilent "SPECTATOR\n----------\nPress RELOAD to exit";
		sleep 30; // Show message every 30 seconds

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Hello neokika!


Result after death, as soon as the time runs revival. Is it possible to remove a red spot on the screen ?

/* BIS Save Gear */
[player, [missionNamespace, "inventory_var"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory;

/* BIS Spectator */
["Initialize", [player]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator;

/* Stop revive effects */
[] spawn
	sleep 1;

	if (!isNil { bis_revive_ppColor }) then { bis_revive_ppColor ppEffectCommit 0; bis_revive_ppColor ppEffectEnable false; };
	if (!isNil { bis_revive_ppVig }) then { bis_revive_ppVig ppEffectCommit 0; bis_revive_ppVig ppEffectEnable false; };
	if (!isNil { bis_revive_ppBlur }) then { bis_revive_ppBlur ppEffectCommit 0; bis_revive_ppBlur ppEffectEnable false; };


This should allow you to hot fix this issue until we make a proper fix to the revive screen effects.

Thanks for the report. ;)

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I am trying to initialize the function BIS_fnc_EGspectator in a mission without respawns where respawn = 0;

I cannot seem to get it to work.



respawn = 0;
respawndelay = 3;


["Initialize", [player]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator;

I even tried using playerKilled.sqs instead of onPlayerkilled.sqf

if (!isnil "BIS_fnc_feedback_allowPP") then {BIS_fnc_feedback_allowPP = false}
["Initialize", [player]] call BIS_fnc_EGSpectator

Is it not working because there is nothing to attach the virtual entity to?

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