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Command for cam.sqs

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Hi im going to need to write a short script that will exec a camera script, when an enemy unit fires one shot from his weapon but cant find the a command in the 1.85 command referance.

Please help.

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What I am trying to do is have an enemy unit fire on my unit and just as he does a camera script cuts in and I see my unit get shot , then use a slow-mo to see my unit falling to his death. I know how to script a cutscene and will use

"enemyunit dofire Myunit" and so. How do I get the cutscene to start when the first shot is fired?.

Please help.


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You could save the ammount of ammo from the enemy unit

into a variable.

ammoA = enemyunit ammo "magazinename"

Then you create a trigger where you will start your script


condition: ammoA > enemyunit ammo "magazinname"

And here is the syntax explanation (taken from the official comref).

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unit ammo magazine

Operand types:

unit: Object

magazine: String

Type of returned value:



Count how many shots are left for given magazine type.


player ammo "M16"

<span id='postcolor'>

~S~ CD

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