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My Plane everytime i get get in action my pilot dies,when it tries to get in

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#include "cfgHUD.hpp"
#include "basicdefines_A3.hpp"
class CfgPatches
 class F4u_Corsair
 units[] = {"F4u_Corsair"};
 weapons[] = {};
 requiredVersion = 0.1;
 requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Air_F","A3_Characters_F_Gamma"};

class CfgVehicles
class Air;
class Plane:Air
 class Plane_Base_F:Plane
 class F4u_Corsair_01_base_F: Plane_Base_F
 scope = 2;
 side = 1;
 faction= "BLU_F";
 model = "F4u_Corsair\F4u_Corsair.p3d";
 author = "NITRO";
 displayName = "F4u Corsair"
 vehicleClass = "Air";
 accuracy = "0.2";
 driverCanEject = 0;
 mapSize = 20;
  #include "sounds.hpp"  /// sounds are included in separate file to prevent cluttering
   driverAction = fz_f18_pilot;   /// what is the standard pose for the pilot, defined as animation state
  landingSpeed = 120;  /// used for AI to approach the runawy, the plane should be stable at this speed
  acceleration = 300;  /// used for AI to plan the waypoints and accelerating, doesn't affect plane performance
  maxSpeed = 450;   /// maximal speed of the plane, affects even thrust and is base for both envelope and thrustCoef
  typicalCargo[] = {"JS_JC_Pilot"};
  crew = "JS_JC_Pilot";
  irTarget = 0;
  transportAmmo = 0;
  transportRepair = 0;
  transportFuel = 0;
  transportSoldier = 1;
  simulation = "airplanex";
  generalMacro = "Plane";
  damageEffect = "AirDestructionEffects";
  precision = 200;
  fuelCapacity = 1000;
  getInAction = "GetInLow";
  getOutAction  = "GetOutLow";
  driverIsCommander = 1;
  hasCommander = 0;
  fov = 0.7
        startEngine = 1;
  hasDriver = 1;
  animated = 0;
  canFloat = 0;
  gearRtracting = 1;
  geardowntime = 3;
  gearuptime = 4.5;
  namesound = "Plane";
  enableGPS = 1;
  radarType = 4;
  laserScanner = 1;
  artilleryScanner = 0;
  memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver";
  memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos driver dir";
  irTarget = 1;
  nvTarget = 0;
  nvScanner = 1;
  irScanRangeMin = 500;
  irScanRangeMax = 11500;
  irScanToEyeFactor = 5;
  irScanGround = 1;
  class TransportItems{};
  attenuationEffectType = "HeliAttenuation";
  driveOnComponent[] = {"wheel_1_1","wheel_1_2","wheel_2_1"};  /// array of components to be assigned special low-friction material (usually wheels)
  rudderInfluence = 0.5;  /// coefficient of rudder affecting steering of the plane
  aileronSensitivity = 1;  /// coefficient of ailerons affecting twisting the plane
  elevatorSensitivity = 0.8; /// coefficient of elevators affecting changing of plane horizontal heading

  irScanRangeMin = 500;  /// defines the range of IR sight of the vehicle
  irScanRangeMax = 5000;  /// defines the range of IR sight of the vehicle
  irScanToEyeFactor = 2;  /// defines the effectivity of IR sight of the vehicle

  /// envelope defines lift produced by the shape of the plane according to current speed relative to maxSpeed
  /// the first element of the array is for zero speed, the last for 125 % of maxSpeed, the rest in between is evenly distributed
  /// there may be as many elements as you wish, using 13 should be preferred as it modulates the 10% increase with reasonable error
  envelope[] = {0.0,0.15,1.1,3,5,5.83,6.0,5.85,5.5,4.8,3.6,1.8,0};
  /// angle of incidence - difference between forward and airfold chord line - def. val is 3*PI/180 (meaning three degrees)
  angleOfIndicence = 0.05235987;

  /// forces keeping plane aligned with its speed direction - the bigger force the better it changes the direction of flight
  draconicForceXCoef = 2.5;
  draconicForceYCoef = 0.5;
  draconicForceZCoef = 0.5;
  draconicTorqueXCoef = 0.15;
  draconicTorqueYCoef = 2.0;

  /// rudder, elevator, aileron, thrust effectiveness; if empty old settings is used
  // effectiveness according to current speed and maxSpeed ratio
  // last value goes for 150% of max speed
  thrustCoef[]= {1.5, 1.2, 1.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
  elevatorCoef[]= {}; //default value is 1
  aileronCoef[]= {};  //default value is 1
  rudderCoef[]= {};   //default value is fabs(speed.Z())*InvSqrt(Square(speed.X())+Square(speed.Z()));

  //! coefficient of player's controller sensitivity (does not affect AI)
  elevatorControlsSensitivityCoef = 4;
  aileronControlsSensitivityCoef = 4;
  rudderControlsSensitivityCoef = 4;  

  landingAoa = "rad 10";  /// what AoA is going the IA use to land the plane

  laserScanner = 1;  /// if the vehicle is able to see targets marked by laser marker
  gunAimDown = 0.029000; /// adjusts the aiming of gun relative to the axis of model
  headAimDown = 0.0000; /// adjusts the view of pilot to have crosshair centred
  flapsFrictionCoef = 0.32; /// sets the effectivity of using flaps to increase drag/lift
  minFireTime = 30;   /// how long does the pilot fire at one target before switching to another one

  threat[] = {1, 1, 1};  /// multiplier of cost of the vehicle in eyes of soft, armoured and air enemies
       armor = 60;     /// just some protection against missiles, collisions and explosions 
  damageResistance = 0.004; /// for AI if it is worth to be shoot at
  destrType = DestructWreck; /// how does the vehicle behave while destroyed, this one changes to the Wreck lod of the model
class CfgMovesBasic
 class DefaultDie;
 class ManActions
  fz_f18_pilot = "fz_f18_pilot";
  fz_f18_commander = "fz_f18_commander";
class CfgMovesMaleSdr: CfgMovesBasic
 class States
  class Crew;
  class fz_f18_pilot_dead: DefaultDie
   actions = "DeadActions";
   speed = 0.5;
   looped = "false";
   terminal = 1;
   file = "\js_jc_fa18\anim\fz_f18_pilot_kia.rtm";
   connectTo[] = {"DeadState",0.1};
  class fz_f18_pilot: Crew
   file = "\js_jc_fa18\anim\fz_f18_pilot.rtm";
   interpolateTo[] = {"fz_f18_pilot_dead",1};
  class fz_f18_commander: Crew
   file = "\js_jc_fa18\anim\fz_f18_commander.rtm";
   interpolateTo[] = {"fz_f18_pilot_dead",1};
 class AnimationSources
 class Canopy
  source = "user";
  initPhase = "0";
  animPeriod = "5";
 class Rotor_Rotation
  source = "user";
  initPhase = "0";
  animPeriod = "35";
 class Flap
  source = "user";
  initPhase = "1";
  animPeriod = "6";
 class UserActions
  class openCanopy
   displayName = "open canopy";
   position = "actionPoint";
   radius = "10";
   onlyForPlayer = "0";
   showWindow = "0";
   condition ="true";
   statement = "this animate [""Canopy"",1];";
  class closeCanopy
   displayName = "close canopy";
   position = "actionPoint";
   radius = "10";
   onlyForPlayer = "0";
   showWindow = "0";
   condition ="true";
   statement = "this animate [""Canopy"",0];";
  class ExtendFlap
   displayName = "Extend Flap";
   position = "actionPoint";
   radius = "10";
   onlyForPlayer = "0";
   showWindow = "0";
   condition ="true";
   statement = "this animate [""Flap"",1];";
  class RetractFlap
   displayName = "Retract Flap";
   position = "actionPoint";
   radius = "10";
   onlyForPlayer = "0";
   showWindow = "0";
   condition ="true";
   statement = "this animate [""Flap"",0];";
  class Rotor
   displayName = "Prime Engine";
   position = "actionPoint1";
   radius = "10";
   onlyForPlayer = "0";
   showWindow = "0";
   condition ="true";
   statement = "this animate [""Rotor"",1];";

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I'm certainly not someone who would describe themselves as an expert when it comes to coding/modelling vehicles, but it could perhaps be an issue with the memory point(s) for the get-in action causing the character model to clip/collide with the aircraft and resulting in his death.

Out of curiosity, have you tried setting a character as a pilot in the editor (using the MoveInDriver command) and then trying to get out?

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yes and pilot was put in plane , but when you get out you die!  its like it doesn't see memory points.

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Ok so I figured out what was wrong , turns out it was in geo lod needed to be convex!

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