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[Snippet] profileNamespace vehicleSaving

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Hey guys,


This is just a snippet of code I've written some months ago, I tested it and it seemed to work perfectly but you might need to tweak some lines for it to work, I can't remember..


The code uses profileNamespace to write to a .var file some information, in this case all vehicles including its position, damaged (and non-damaged) hitpoints, fuel, cargo, ... I even used it to save placed objects (player-built, missions, ...) for my own survival mod (WIP).




	File: 		loadVehicles.sqf
	Author: 	xBowBii (aka xbwb)


_vehicles = profileNamespace getVariable ["SURV_Vehicles",nil];


	private ["_log","_vtype","_vpos","_vdir","_vdam","_veh","_vFuel","_vWeap","_vMags"];

	_vType = _x select 0;
	_vPos  = _x select 1;
	_vDir  = _x select 2;
	_vDam  = _x select 3;
	_vVar1 = _x select 4;
	_vFuel = _x select 5;
	_vWeap = _x select 6;
	_vMags = _x select 7;
	_hitp  = _x select 8;

	//"extLOG" callExtension format["0:VehicleLogging: %1 at %2, with dmg %3. Fuel is %4, and Cargo is %5 && %6",_vType,_vPos,_vDam,_vFuel,_vWeap,_vMags];

	if (_vDam == 1) exitWith {/* useless to spawn it */};

	_veh = createVehicle [_vType, _vPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
	_veh setDir _vDir;
	_veh setDamage _vDam;

	removeAllWeapons _veh;
	removeAllItems _veh;

	_veh setVariable ["YOUR_OWN_CUSTOMVAR",_vVar1,true];

		_veh setHitPointDamage [(_x select 0), (_x select 1)];
	} forEach _hitp;

	_veh setFuel _vFuel;

		_veh addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,1];
	} forEach _vWeap;
		_veh addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,1];
	} forEach _vMags;

} forEach _vehicles;

sleep 20;
SURV_VehiclesLoaded = true; 


	File: 		saveVehicles.sqf
	Author: 	xBowBii (aka xbwb)
SURV_VehiclesLoaded = false;
waitUntil {SURV_VehiclesLoaded};

while {true} do
	profileNamespace setVariable ["SURV_Vehicles",[]];

		_Vehs  = profileNamespace getVariable ["SURV_Vehicles",[]];
		_vehicle = _x;

		_xType = typeOf _x;
		_xPos  = getPos _x;
		_xDir  = getDir _x;
		_xDmg  = damage _x;
		_xOwns = _x getVariable ["YOUR_OWN_CUSTOMVAR",[]];
		_xFuel = fuel _x;
		_weapons = weaponCargo _x;
		_magazines = magazineCargo _x;

		_hitPoints = [];
		_cachekey = format["%1_HP", _xType];
		_hitpoints = missionNamespace getVariable[_cachekey, []];
		if (_hitpoints isEqualTo []) then
			_na = configProperties[configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _xType >> "HitPoints", "_hitpoints pushBack configName _x; true", true];
			missionNamespace setVariable[_cachekey, _hitpoints];

		_finalHitPs = [];
			_finalHitPs = _finalHitPs + [[_x,_vehicle getHitPointDamage _x]];
		} forEach _hitPoints;

		profileNamespace setVariable ["SURV_Vehicles",(_vehs + [[_xtype,_xpos,_xdir,_xdmg,_xowns,_xFuel,_weapons,_magazines,_finalHitPs]])];

	} forEach vehicles;

	sleep 20;

Both scripts executed by this:

if (isServer) then
	execVM "\PATH\TO\loadVehicles.sqf";
	execVM "\PATH\TO\saveVehicles.sqf";

If you want to use it, please do so, just remember crediting my work even though I won't use it myself and I had a lot of fun to write this tiny script.


I hope you appreciate my work, please post suggestions if you have any!


Edited by xBowBii
simple snippet, no need to credit me.

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Getting this error...



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16 hours ago, TomMack said:

Getting this error...



Try replacing the "Nil" default value of _vehicles to "[]", or try executing saveVehicles first


Remove my multiplayer checks (SURV_VehiclesLoaded) bit of code, it might bug things

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2 hours ago, xBowBii said:

Try replacing the "Nil" default value of _vehicles to "[]", or try executing saveVehicles first


Remove my multiplayer checks (SURV_VehiclesLoaded) bit of code, it might bug things


This worked perfectly, thank you.

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As I mentioned in a different thread - here is a modified version of the script to handle ammo boxes.


This modified version saves specific ammoboxes, in an area which can be defined with a radius, to the profile namespace. This makes it very useful for persistent missions. This version remove compatibility with multiplayer and Dedicated servers however.


saveAmmobox.sqf : https://pastebin.com/7Z5M37hp

loadAmmobox.sqf : https://pastebin.com/UBDjKLGq


As mentioned in the comments of the scripts; do add different types of ammobox, you cant go to this link (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgVehicles_Equipment) and "find" (ctrl+f "Ammo") the different ammobox classnames, alternatively, you can right click the ammobox in 3DEN editor and Log > Classnames.


Thanks so much to XBWB for the basis of the script and helping me to produce this version.


P.s. My additions to the script have been commented.


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How do i get it to save the owner as another script doesn't let me lock/unlock on restart.

Very new, all help appreciated.

Also looking for one to save unit pos, loadout, direction and so on. 😄

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